Dr Abidah Setyowati
Abidah Setyowati is a human geographer with a specialization in political ecology. Her work focuses broadly on critical climate change studies, neoliberal environments, natural resources and climate governance, forest tenure reform and gender perspectives in these issues. She has carried out studies on issues of energy governance and access, climate finance, forest access, biodiversity conservation, indigenous politics, Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and Forest Degradation (REDD+), Payment for Ecosystem Services (PES) and timber legality certification.
Prior to joining ANU, she has carried provided advisory works and carried out assignments with USAID, UNDP, UNEP. FAO, UNREDD, DFID and other multilateral agencies. Her research has been supported by numerous grants and awards, such as APIP Research Excellence Award (2018), the National Science Foundation – Dissertation Grant/NSF DDIG (2011-2013), UNDP Human Development Fellowship (2011-2013), Margaret McNamara Award (2013-2014), and Louise Bevier Dissertation Completion Fellowship (2013-2014).
With RegNet, she works on a research project entitled “Harnessing Financial Markets and Institutional Investment to Increase the Take Up of Renewable Energy in Asia-Pacific”.
Research interests
- Politics and policy, natural resources and climate governance
- Neoliberal environment
- Energy governance
- Energy Access
- Climate finance
- Climate change mitigation, REDD+, PES
- Critical development
- Gender
- Researcher, Climate economics and policy
- Researcher, Adaptation, livelihoods and development in Asia and the Pacific
- Researcher, Energy economics and policy
Commodifying Legality? Who and What Counts as Legal in the Indonesian Wood Trade
How Bringing Gender Perspectives into REDD+ Policies Could Enhance Effectiveness and Empowerment
Re-envisioning REDD+: Gender, Forest Governance and REDD+ in Asia
Berebut Hutan Siberut: Orang Mentawai, Kekuasaan dan Perubahan