Professor Xuemei Bai

Professor of Urban Environment & Human Ecology
Fenner School of Environment & Society

Distinguished Professor Bai joined ANU in 2011, as a professor of Urban Environment and Human Ecology at the Fenner School of Environment and Society. Prio to ANU, she was a Senior Principal Research Scientist at CSIRO, visiting professor at Yale University, and senior researcher at environmental research institutes in Japan. She is a Visiting Professor at The University of Tokyo.

Professor Bai's research focuses on several frontiers of urban sustainability science and policy, including drivers and consequence of urbanization, structure, function, processes, and evolution of urban socio-ecological systems, urban metabolism, urban sustainability experiments and transition, cities and climate change, and urban environmental policy and governance, and cross scale translations between planetary level boundaries and targets into cities.

Professor Bai authored/co-authored over 100 publications, including several in Nature and Science. She served as a Lead Author for the Millennium Ecosystem Assessment, the Global Energy Assessment, and is a Lead Author for IPBES Global Assessment and IPCC AR6. She delivered invited lectures/seminars at top academic institutions as well as many international conferences and science/policy forums. She supervised award-winning PhD and Honours students.

Professor Bai is a member of Earth Commission, where she co-leads its Working Group 5 on cross scale translation of integrated planetary level targets into cities and businesses. She was an inaugural member of the Science Committee of Future Earth where she has been leading the development of the Urban Knowledge-Action Network. She served as the Vice Chair of the Science Committee of the International Human Dimensional Program for Global Environmental Change (IHDP); Science Steering Committee of IHDP Industrial Transformation Core Project; and Steering Committee of US National Academies Sustainable Cities Initiative. She served on the European Research Council assessment panels for Consolidator and Advanced grants, and was a member of Global LafargeHolcim Award Jury for 2018. She is a Deputy Editor of Global Sustainability, and serves on the Editorial Board of Current Opinion of Environmental Sustainability; Environment; Computer, Environment and Urban Systems; Ecosystem Health and Sustainability; Urbanization; International Journal of Sustainable Cities and Society.

She is a Fellow of Academy of the Social Sciences in Australia since 2017, and was named one of the World's 100 Most Influential People in Cliamte Change Policy in 2019. She is the 2018 Laureate of the Volvo Environment Prize, and the 2021 Global Economy Prize.

Research interests

Professor Bai's research focuses on several frontiers of urban sustainability science and policy, including:

  • Understanding the structure, function and processes of urban social ecological system
  • Drivers and impacts of urbanization, including impact of landscape urbanization on food production
  • Urban environmental evolution
  • Urban metabolism- urban energy, water, food, and material flows and social economic determinants
  • Cities and climate change
  • Urban policy and governance
  • Urban resilience and cities as complex system
  • Low carbon, eco-city development
  • Sustainability experiments, system innovation, transition and transformation
  • Concept and method development for cross-case analysis
  • Regional development and environmental policy in China
  • Urban futures in the Anthropocene



  • Lin, B, Ossola, A, Alberti, M et al. 2021, 'Integrating solutions to adapt cities for climate change', The Lancet Planetary Health, vol. 5, no. 7, pp. e479-e486.
  • Herath P, Thatcher, M, Jin, H et al. 2021, 'Effectiveness of urban surface characteristics as mitigation strategies for the excessive summer heat in cities', Sustainable Cities and Society, vol. 72, no. 1.
  • Rockström, J, Gupta, J, Lenton, T et al. 2021, 'Identifying a safe and just corridor for people and the planet', Earth's Future, vol. 9, no. 4.
  • Pope, C, Ji, M & Bai, X 2020, 'Political Translation and the Sustainable Development Goals', in Meng Li and Sara Lavioso (ed.), The Oxford Handbook of Translation and Social Practices, Oxford University Press, United States, pp. 171-188.
  • Wang, S, Bai, X, Xiaoling, Z et al. 2021, 'Urbanization can benefit agricultural production with large-scale farming in China', Nature Food, vol. 2, pp. 183-191.
  • Elmqvist, T, Andersson, E, McPhearson, T et al. 2021, 'Urbanization in and for the Anthropocene', Urban Sustainability, vol. 1.
  • Zhang, Y, Bai, X, Mills, F, Pezzey, J 2021, 'Examining the attitude-behavior gap in residential energy use: Empirical evidence from a large-scale survey in Beijing, China', Journal of Cleaner Production, vol. 295.
  • Creutzig, F, Bai, X, Khosla, R et al. 2020, 'Systematizing and upscaling urban climate change mitigation', Environmental Research Letters, vol. 15, no. 10, pp. -.
  • Peng, Y & Bai, X 2021, 'Financing urban low-carbon transition: The catalytic role of a citylevel special fund in shanghai', Journal of Cleaner Production, vol. 282.
  • Bai, X, Nagendra, H, Shi, P et al. 2020, 'Cities: build networks and share plans to emerge stronger from COVID-19', Nature, vol. 584, no. 7822, pp. 517-520pp.
  • Hu, Y, Cui, S, Bai, X et al. 2020, 'Transboundary Environmental Footprints of the Urban Food Supply Chain and Mitigation Strategies', Environmental Science and Technology, vol. 54, no. 17, pp. 10460−10471pp.
  • Zhang, Y, Bai, X & Mills, F 2020, 'Characterizing energy-related occupant behavior in residential buildings: Evidence from a survey in Beijing, China', Energy and Buildings, vol. 214.
  • Liu, H, Bai, X & Pang, X 2020, 'Intercity variability and local factors influencing the level of pesticide residues in marketed fruits and vegetables of China', Science of the Total Environment, vol. 700.
  • Peng, Y, Wei, Y & Bai, X 2019, 'Scaling urban sustainability experiments: Contextualization as an innovation', Journal of Cleaner Production, vol. 227, pp. 302-312pp.
  • Irvine, S & Bai, X 2019, 'Positive inertia and proactive influencing towards sustainability: systems analysis of a frontrunner city', Urban Transformations, vol. 1, no. 1, pp. 1-27.
  • Bai, X, Colbert, M, McPhearson, T et al. 2019, 'Networking urban science, policy and practice for sustainability', Current Opinion in Environmental Sustainability, vol. 39, pp. 114-122.
  • Prieur-Richard, A, Walsh, B, Craig, M et al 2019, 'Global Research and Action Agenda on Cities and Climate Change Science', Cities & Climate Change Science Conference, United Nations Publications, Canada.
  • Gu, B, Zhang, X, Bai, X et al 2019, 'Four steps to food security for swelling cities', Nature, vol. 566, pp. 31-33.
  • Creutzig, F, Lohrey, S, Bai, X et al 2019, 'Upscaling urban data science for global climate solutions', Global Sustainability, vol. 2, no. e2, pp. 1-25.
  • Lin, J, Kang, J, Bai, X et al 2019, 'Modeling the urban water-energy nexus: A case study of Xiamen, China', Journal of Cleaner Production, vol. 215, pp. 680-688.
  • Brondizio. E., S. Diez, J. Settele, Ngo, H, Guèze, M, Aumeeruddy-Thomas, Y, Bai,X. et al 2019, 'Assessing a planet in transformation: Rationale and approach of the IPBES Global Assessment on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services', in (ed.), IPBES Global Assessment on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services, NA, Germany.
  • Baldwin, K, Aisbett, E, White, L, Dreise, T, Hunt, J, O'Neill, L, Thorburn, K, Riley, B, Bai, X, Peng, Y, Beck, F, Brahmadesham Venkataraman, M, Blakers, A, Stocks, M, Lu, B, Bridges, T, Purchase, R, Burke, P, Anjum, Z, 2019, Submission to the Department of Water and Environmental Regulation: WA Climate Change Strategy Issues Paper.
  • Ghazalli, A, Brack, C et al 2019, 'Physical and Non-Physical Benefits of Vertical Greenery Systems: A Review', Journal of Urban Technology, vol. 26, no. 4, pp. 53-78.
  • Leach, M, Reyers, B, Bai, X et al. 2018, 'Equity and sustainability in the Anthropocene: a social–ecological systems perspective on their intertwined futures', Global Sustainability, vol. 1, no. e13, pp. 1-13pp.
  • Bai, X, E. Brondizio, R. Bullard, G.A.S. Edwards, N.B. Grimm, A. Lora-Wainwright, B. Özkaynak, and S. Schindler. 2018, 'Urban Environments and Environmentalisms', in Sharachchandra Lele, Eduardo S. Brondizio, John Byrne, Georgina M. Mace and Joan (ed.), Rethinking Environmentalism Linking Justice, Sustainability, and Diversity, Strüngmann Forum Report, Frankfurt, pp. 127-150pp.
  • Rockstrom, J, Bai, X & deVries, B 2018, 'Global sustainability: the challenge ahead', Global Sustainability, vol. 1, no. 6, pp. 1-3pp.
  • Nagendra, H, Bai, X, Brondizio, E, Lwasa S. 2018, 'The urban south and the predicament of global sustainability', Nature Sustainability, vol. 1, pp. 341-349pp.
  • Bai, X 2018, 'Advance the ecosystem approach in cities', Nature, vol. 559, no. 7, pp. 1pp.
  • Elmqvist, T., J. Siri, E. Andersson, P. Anderson, X. Bai, T. Gatere, A. Gonzalez, J. Goodness, E. Hermansson, J. Kavonic, J. Kronenberg, E. Lindgren, D. Maddox, R. Maher, C. Mbow, T. McPhearson, J. Mulligan, G. Nordenson, M. Spires, U. Stenkula, K. Takeuchi, C. Vogel. 2018, 'Urban tinkering', Sustainability Science, pp. 1-16pp.
  • Zhang, Y, Bai, X, Mills, F., Pezzey J. 2018, 'Rethinking the role of occupant behavior in building energy performance: A review', Energy and Buildings, vol. 172, pp. 279-294pp.
  • Bai, X., R.j..Dawson, D. Ürge-Vorsatz, G. C. Delgado, A. S. Barau, S. Dhakal, D. Dodman, L. Leonardsen, V. Masson-Delmotte, D. Roberts, S. Schultz. 2018, 'Six research priorities for cities and climate change', Nature, vol. 555, no. 7694, pp. 23-25pp.
  • Ürge-Vorsatz, D, Rosenzweig, C, Dawson, R, Sanchez Rodriguez, X. Bai, A. S. Barau, K. C. Seto, S. Dhakal. 2018, 'Locking in positive climate responses in cities', Nature Climate Change, vol. 8, pp. 174-177pp.
  • Ghazalli, A, Brack, C, Bai, X et al 2018, 'Alterations in use of space, air quality, temperature and humidity by the presence of vertical greenery system in a building corridor', Urban Forestry & Urban Greening, vol. 32, pp. 177-184pp.
  • Peng, Y & Bai, X 2018, 'Experimenting towards a low-carbon city: Policy evolution and nested structure of innovation', Journal of Cleaner Production, 174 (2018) 201-212.
  • Webb, R, Bai, X, Stafford Smith, M et al 2018, 'Sustainable urban systems: Co-design and framing for transformation', AMBIO: A Journal of the Human Environment, vol. Online, pp. 1-21.
  • Elmqvist, T, Bai, X, Frantzeskaki, N et al, eds, 2018, The Urban Planet: Knowledge toward sustainable cities, Cambridge University Press, UK.
  • Bai, X, Elmqvist, T, Frantzeskaki, N et al 2018, 'Synthesis: New integrated urban knowledge for the cities we want', in Elmqvist, T., Bai, X., Frantzeskaki, N., Griffith, C., Maddox, D., McPhearson, T (ed.), The Urban Planet: Knowledge toward sustainable cities **, Cambridge University Press, UK.
  • Elmqvist, T, Bai, X, Frantzeskaki, N et al 2018, 'Preface', in Elmqvist, T., Bai, X., Frantzeskaki, N., Griffith, C., Maddox, D., McPhearson, T (ed.), The Urban Planet: Knowledge toward sustainable cities **, Cambridge University Press, UK.
  • Haase, D, Guneralp, B, Bharat, D, Bai, X, Elmqvest T. 2018, 'Global urbanisation: perspectives and trends', in Elmqvist, T., Bai, X., Frantzeskaki, N., Griffith, C., Maddox, D., McPhearson, T (ed.), The Urban Planet: Knowledge toward sustainable cities, Cambridge University Press, UK.
  • Chavez, A, Kennedy, C, Chen, B, Baynes, T, Bai X. 2018, 'Understanding, implementing, and tracking urban metabolism is key to urban futures', in Elmqvist, T., Bai, X., Frantzeskaki, N., Griffith, C., Maddox, D., McPhearson, T (ed.), The Urban Planet: Knowledge toward sustainable cities, Cambridge University Press, UK.
  • Lindenmayer, D, Burns, E, Dickman, C et al. 2017, 'Save Australia's ecological research', Science, vol. 357, no. 6351, pp. 557-557.
  • Bai, X 2017, Sustainability: China's path to ecotopia', Nature, vol. 550, pp. 37-38.
  • Bai, X, McPhearson, T, Cleugh, H, Nagendra, H, Tong, X, Zhu, T, Zhu, Y. 2017, 'Linking Urbanization and the Environment: Conceptual and Empirical Advances', Annual Review of Environment and Resources, 42:215-240.
  • Jalilov, S., Y. Masago, J. Nishikawa, X, Bai, T. Elmqvist, & K. Takeuchi, 2017, Enhancing Urban Water Resilience: Science-based Approaches and Strategies for Asian Megacities: UNU-IAS Policy Brief — No. 9, 2017.
  • Gao, B, Huang, Y, Huang, W et al 2018, 'Driving forces and impacts of food system nitrogen flows in China, 1990 to 2012', Science of the Total Environment, vol. 610-611, pp. 430-441.
  • Shi, P, Bai, X, Kong, F et al. 2017, 'Urbanization and air quality as major drivers of altered spatiotemporal patterns of heavy rainfall in China', Landscape Ecology, vol. 32, no. 8, pp. 1723-1738.
  • McPhearson, T, Iwaniec, D & Bai, X 2017, 'Positive visions for guiding urban transformations toward sustainable futures', Current Opinion in Environmental Sustainability, vol. 22, pp. 33-40.
  • Bai, X, Surveyer, A, Elmqvist, T et al. 2016, 'Defining and advancing a systems approach for sustainable cities', Current Opinion in Environmental Sustainability, vol. 23, no. -, pp. 69-78.
  • McPhearson, T, S. Parnell, D. Simon, O. Gaffney, T. Elmqvist, X. Bai, D. Roberts, A. Revi. 2016, 'Scientists must have a say in the future of cities', Nature, vol. 538, no. 13 October 2016, pp. 165-166.
  • Bai, X 2016, 'Eight energy and material flow characteristics of urban ecosystems', AMBIO: A Journal of the Human Environment, vol. 45, no. 7, pp. 819-830.
  • Bai, X, van der Leeuw, S, O'Brien, K, F. Berkhout, F. Biermann, E. S. Brondizio, C. Cudennec, J. Dearing, A. Duraiappah, M. Glaser, A. Revkin, W. Steffen, J. Syvitski. et al 2016, 'Plausible and desirable futures in the Anthropocene: A new research agenda', Global Environmental Change. 39: 351-362.
  • Brondizio, E, O'Brien, K, Bai, X et al 2016, 'Re-conceptualizing the Anthropocene: A call for collaboration', Global Environmental Change, vol. 39, pp. 318-327.
  • Biermann, F, Bai, X, Bondre, N, Broadgate,W., Chen, C.-T.A., Dube, P., Erisman, J.W., Glaser, M., Hel, S.v.d., Lemos, M.C., Seitzinger, S., Seto, K.C., et al 2016, 'Down to Earth: Contextualizing the Anthropocene', Global Environmental Change. 39: 341-350.
  • Trencher, G & Bai, X 2016, 'The role of university partnerships in urban sustainability experiments: evidence from Asia', in Brauch, H.G., Spring, U.O., Grin, J., Scheffran, J. (ed.), Handbook on Sustainability Transition and Sustainable Peace, Springer, Switzerland, pp. 631-653.
  • Lin, T, Wang, J, Bai, X et al 2016, 'Quantifying and managing food-sourced nutrient metabolism in Chinese cities', Environment International, vol. 94, pp. 388-395.
  • Bai, X, Norman, B & Edwards, P 2016, 'Navigating through the urban age: Principles and Innovations', Solutions-for a sustainable and desirable future, vol. 7, no. 3, pp. 55-62.
  • Peng, K & Bai, X 2016, 'Welfare effects of rural-urban land conversion on different aged land-lost farmers: exemplified in Wuhan city', Chinese Journal of Population Resources and Environment, vol. 14, no. 1, pp. 45-52.
  • Bai, X 2016, 'Science Needs a Central Place in the New Urban Agenda', Australasian Science, p. 41.
  • Bai, X 2016, 'Future Earth launches a global network for urban research'. Future Earth. (
  • Bai, X 2016, Habitat III won’t be a success unless the attention it garners urban issues can be converted into societal momentum to achieve the New Urban Agenda. Response to: Habitat III is finally a reality. From your perspective, what would be the single most important tangible outcome (not output) of the event-short or long term-and what will it take to achieve this outcome?. The Nature of Cities. (
  • McPhearson, T, Parnell, S, Simon, D et al 2016, 'FORUM - Building Urban Science to Achieve the New Urban Agenda'.
  • Head, P, Shah, A, Allinson, C et al 2016, Roadmap 2030- Financing and implementing the Global Goals in Human Settlements and City-Regions.
  • Bai, X 2015, 10 ways to make our cities liveable by 2030. World Economic Forum. (
  • Cui, S, Xu, S, Huang, W., Bai, X., Huang, Y., & Li, G. et al 2015, 'Changing urban phosphorus metabolism: Evidence from Longyan City, China', Science of the Total Environment.
  • Duraiappah, A, Scherkenbach, C, Bai, X et al 2015, Coastal Zones and Urbanization: Summary for Decision-Makers.
  • Bai, X, Shi, P & Liu, Y 2014, 'Realizing China's urban dream', Nature, vol. 509, no. 7499, pp. 158-160.
  • Deng, X & Bai, X 2014, 'Sustainable Urbanization in Western China', Environment: science and policy for sustainable development, vol. 56, no. 3, pp. 12-24.
  • Trencher, G, Bai, X, Evans, J et al 2014, 'University partnerships for co-designing and co-producing urban sustainability', Global Environmental Change - Human and Policy Dimensions, vol. 28, pp. 153-165.
  • Bai, X 2013, 'Editors' Picks', Environment: science and policy for sustainable development, vol. 55, no. 2, pp. 4-5.
  • Lin, T, Yu, Y, Bai, X et al 2013, 'Greenhouse Gas Emissions Accounting of Urban Residential Consumption: A Household Survey Based Approach', PLOS ONE (Public Library of Science), vol. 8, no. 2, pp. e55642-e55642.
  • Deng, X, Zhong, H, Bai, X et al 2013, 'Opportunities and challenges for development of urbanization in Western China', Chinese Journal of Population Resources and Environment, vol. 11, no. 3, pp. 236-243.
  • Bai, X 2013, 'Landscape urbanisation and food security', The Crawford Fund 2012 Annual Parliamentary Conference, ed. A. Milligan, The Crawford Fund, Canberra, pp. 60-68pp.
  • Bai, X 2013, 'Book Review: Urbanization in China; and Smart Growth for China', Journal of Industrial Ecology, vol. 14, no. 6, pp. 982-984.
  • Bai, X, Dhakal, S, Steinberger, J et al 2013, 'Drivers of urban energy use and main policy leverages', in Arnulf Grubler and David Fisk (ed.), Energizing Sustainable Cities, Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group, Abingdon UK and New York USA, pp. 119-134.
  • Lin, T., Y Yu, X Bai, L Feng, J Wang. 2013. Greenhouse Gas Emissions Accounting of Urban Residential Consumption: A Household Survey Based Approach. PloS one 8 (2). (Open access article. Available at
  • Rogers, D, Duraiappah, A, Antons, D et al 2012, 'A vision for human well-being: transition to social sustainability', Current Opinion in Environmental Sustainability, vol. 4, no. 1, pp. 61-73.
  • Bai, X 2012, More than one way to view urban impact on agriculture, pp. 15-16.
  • Grubler, A, Bai, X, Buettner, T et al 2012, 'Urban Energy Systems', in T.B. Johansson, N. Nakicenovic, A. Patwardhan, L. Gomez-Echeverri (ed.), Global Energy Assessment (GEA), Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, UK and New York, NY, USA, pp. 1307-1400.
  • Bai, X 2012, 'Cities-Overview', in Ray C. Anderson (ed.), Berkshire Encyclopedia of Sustainability 7/10: China, India, and East and Southeast Asia: Assessing Sustainability, Berkshire Publishing, Not Known, pp. 55-60pp.
  • Bai, X 2012, Greening the Urban Jungle.
  • Duraiappah, A, Scherkenbach, C, Munoz, P et al 2012, Human well-being for a planet under pressure: Transition to social sustainability.
  • Bai, X, Chen, J & Shi, P 2012, 'Landscape urbanization and economic growth in China: Positive feedbacks and sustainability dilemmas', Environmental Science and Technology, vol. 46, no. 1, pp. 132-139. (Open Access article. Available at
  • Bai, X, Nath, I, Capon, A et al 2012, 'Health and wellbeing in the changing urban environment: complex challenges, scientific responses and the way forward', Current Opinion in Environmental Sustainability, vol. 4, pp. 1-8. (Open access article. Available at
  • Baynes, T & Bai, X 2012, 'Reconstructing the Energy History of a City: Melbourne's Population, Urban Development, Energy Supply and Use from 1973 to 2005', Journal of Industrial Ecology, vol. 16, no. 6, pp. 862-874. doi: 10.1111/j.1530-9290.2012.00567.x
  • Hashimoto, S, Fischer-Kowalski, M, Suh, S et al 2012, 'Greening Growing Giants', Journal of Industrial Ecology, vol. 16, no. 4, pp. 459-466.
    DOI: 10.1111/j.1530-9290.2012.00522.x.
  • Huang, Y, Li, F, Bai, X et al 2012, 'Comparing vulnerability of coastal communities to land use change: Analytical framework and a case study in China', Environmental Science and Policy, vol. 23, pp. 133-143. (
  • Bai, X & Dabelko, G 2010, 'Editors' Picks', Environment: science and policy for sustainable development, vol. 52, no. 3, pp. 3-5.
  • Bai, X, McAllister, R, Beaty, M et al 2010, 'Urban policy and governance in a global environment: Complex systems, scale mismatches and public participation', Current Opinion in Environmental Sustainability, vol. 2, no. 3, pp. 129-135.
  • Bai, X 2010, Cities in 2030: Under Pressure.
  • Bai, X., S. Dhakal, J. Steinberger, H. Weisz. 2012. Drivers of Urban Energy Use and Main Policy Leverages. In: Energizing Sustainable Cities: Assessing Urban Energy (A. Grubler and D. Fisk eds). Earthscan.
  • Grubler, A., X. Bai, T. Buettner, S. Dhakal, D.J. Fisk, T. Ichinose, J. Keirstead, G. Sammer, D. Satterthwaite, N.B. Schulz, N. Shah, J. Steinberger and H. Weisz. 2012: Urban Energy Systems. In: The Global Energy Assessment. IIASA, Laxenburg, Austria and Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, United Kingdom and New York, NY, USA.
  • Hashimoto S., M. Fisher-Kowalski, S. Suh, XM. Bai, 2012. Greening Growing Giants: A Major Challenge of Our Planet. Journal of Industrial Ecology. 16(4): 459-466. DOI: 10.1111/j.1530-9290.2012.00522.x.
  • Rogers, D., A. Duraiappah, D.C. Antons, P. Munoz, X.M. Bai, M. Fragkias, H. Gutscher. A vision for human wellbeing: Transition to social sustainability. 2012. Current Opinion on Environmental Sustainability 4:1-13. (First published online Feb 17, 2012. DOI Link:
  • Li, G, Bai, X, Yu, S et al 2011, 'Urban Phosphorus Metabolism through Food Consumption: The Case of China', Journal of Industrial Ecology, 16(4): 588-599. (Available at
  • Bai, X 2011, 'Emerging Patterns of Urban Sustainability in Asia', The Bridge (Washington), 41(1):35-42.
  • Baynes, T, Lenzen, M, Steinberger, J et al 2011, 'Comparison of household consumption and regional production approaches to assess urban energy use and implications for policy', Energy Policy, vol. 39, no. 11, pp. 7298-7309.
  • Bai, X & Schandl, H 2011, 'Urban ecology and industrial ecology', in Ian Douglas, David Goode, Michael C. Houck, Rusong Wang (ed.), The Routledge Handbook of Urban Ecology, Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group, USA, pp. 26-37.
  • Roberts, B., XM Bai. 2011. Environment and Climate Change. In: State of Asian Cities, 2010/2011. UN Habitat. (Republished by UNHabitat in 2011)
  • Bai, X.M., R. R. J. McAllister, M. Beaty, B. Taylor. 2010. Urban Policy and Governance in a Global Environment. Current Opinion on Environmental Sustainability. DOI: 10.1016/j.cosust.2010.05.008
  • Bai, XM, BH. Roberts, J. Chen. 2010. Urban Sustainability Experiment in Asia: Patterns and Pathways. Environmental Science and Policy 13: 312-325. doi:10.1016/j.envsci.2010.03.011.
  • Berkhout, F. G. Verbong, A.J. Wieczorek, R. Raven, L. Level, X.M. Bai, 2010. Sustainability experiments in Asia: niches influencing alternative development pathways? Environmental Science and Policy. doi:10.1016/j.envsci.2010.03.010.
  • Lin, JY, B. Cao, SH Cui, W. Wang, X.M. Bai. 2010. Evaluating the effectiveness of urban energy conservation and GHG mitigation measures: the case of Xiamen City, China. Energy Policy 38:5123-5132.
  • Bai X, Wieczorek A, Kaneko S, Lisson S, Contreras A 2009. Enabling sustainability transition in Asia: the importance of vertical and horizontal linkages. Technological Forecasting and Societal Change 76: 255-266.
  • Bai XM. 2008. Urban Transition in China: Trends, Consequences and Policy Implications. In: the New Global Frontier: Urbanization, Poverty and Environment in the 21st Century, G. Martin, G. McGranahan, M. Montgomery and R. Fernández-Castilla (eds). EarthScan, London. Pp:339-356.
  • Grimm NB, Faeth SH, Golubiewski NE, Redman CL, Wu JG, Bai XM & Briggs JM, 2008. Global change and the ecology of cities. Science 319: 756-760.
  • Newton, P. and Bai, XM, 2008. Transitioning to Sustainable Urban Development. In: Transitions: Pathways Towards Sustainable Urban Development in Australia. P. Newton Ed. CSIRO Publishing and Springer. PP: 3-19.
  • Bai, X. 2007 Industrial Ecology and Global Impacts of Cities. Journal of Industrial Ecology 11(2): 1-6.
  • Bai, X. 2007 Integrating Global Concerns into Urban Management: The Scale Argument and Readiness Arguments. Journal of Industrial Ecology 11(2): 15-29.
  • Xiao, Y., X. Bai, Zh. Ouyang, H. Zheng, 2007. The Composition, Trends, and Environmental Impacts of Municipal Solid Waste in Beijing. Special issue on Monitoring Quality and Characteristics of Municipal Solid Waste in Developing Countries, Environmental Monitoring and Assessment 135:21-30.
  • Bai, X. and P. Shi, 2006. Pollution Control in China's Huai Basin: What Lessons for Sustainability? Environment 48(7):22-38.
  • McGranahan, G., P. Marcotullio, XM. Bai, D. Balk, T. Braga, I. Douglas, T. Elmqvist, W. Rees, D. Satterthwaite, J. Songsore, H. Zlotnick, J. Eades, E.l Ezcurra, A. Whyte. 2005. Urban systems. In: Hassan R, Scholes R, and Ash N (Eds). Ecosystems and human well-being: current state and trends (Millennium Ecosystem Assessment Series). Washington, DC: Island Press.
  • Bai, X. 2003. The Process and Mechanism of Urban Environmental Change: An Evolutionary View. International Journal of Environment and Pollution, 19(5):528-541.
  • Bai, X. 2002. Industrial Relocation in Asia: A Sound Environmental Management Strategy? Environment 44(5): 8-21.
  • Bai, X., and H. Imura 2001. Towards sustainable urban water resource management: A case study in Tianjin, China. Sustainable Development, 9:24-35.
  • Bai, X., and H. Imura 2000. A comparative study of urban environment in East Asia: Stage model of urban environmental evolution. International Review for Global Environmental Strategies. 1(1): 135-158.

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