Global energy transition and energy trade following Russia's invasion of Ukraine

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The ANU Centre for European Studies (ANUCES), in collaboration with the ANU Institute for Climate, Energy & Disaster Solutions (ICEDS), invites you to attend a joint conference “Global energy transition and energy trade following Russia’s invasion of Ukraine.”

The Russian invasion of Ukraine has escalated tensions between energy transition, energy security and energy trade, not only for Europe but also globally. Europe’s united stance in response to Russia's aggression and the urgent need to overcome energy supply challenges may provide momentum to accelerate transition to renewable energy.

This conference brings together academics, policy makers and industry experts to explore the implications of Russia’s invasion of Ukraine for energy transition. Participants will also discuss potential short-term problems faced by the European Union member states and long-term outlooks on global energy trade, as well as the role energy exporters such as the Middle East and Australia play in this context.

Please click here to view the full program. 


11am-12pm - Setting the scene: Russia's invasion and EU energy response:

  • His Excellency Dr Michael Pulch, European Union Ambassador to Australia
  • His Excellency Mr Vasyl Myroshnychenko, Ukrainian Ambassador to Australia
  • Professor Frank Jotzo, Head of Energy, Institute for Climate, Energy & Disaster Solutions; ANU Crawford School of Public Policy
  • Dr Kasia Williams, Deputy Director, ANU Centre for European Studies (moderator)

1-2.30pm - Perspectives from the EU and the Member States:

  • Mr Scott Wyatt, Advisor, Delegation of the EU to Australia, DOWNLOAD PRESENTATION
  • Mr Bertil Wenger, Director, Regional Programme Australia and the Pacific, Konrad Adenauer Stiftung
  • Mr Jakub Wilchelm, Head of Foreign Trade Office, Australia and New Zealand, Polish Investment and Trade Agency, DOWNLOAD PRESENTATION
  • Associate Professor Llewelyn Hughes, ANU Crawford School of Public Policy, DOWNLOAD PRESENTATION
  • Dr Wenting Cheng, Grand Challenge Research Fellow, ANU Zero Carbon Energy for the Asia-Pacific Grand Challenge (moderator)

3-4.30pm - Energy exporters' repsonse and the future of global energy transition:

  • Associate Professor Christian Downie, ANU School of Regulation and Global Governance, DOWNLOAD PRESENTATION
  • Dr Jessie Moritz, Lecturer, ANU Centre for Arab and Islamic Studies, DOWNLOAD PRESENTATION
  • Mr Craig Halbmaier, Deputy Economic Counselor, Embassy of the United States of America
  • Associate Professor Emma Aisbett, Fellow, School of Regulation and Global Governance; Associate Director, Research, ANU Zero-Carbon Energy for the Asia-Pacific Grand Challenge (moderator)

4.30-5.30pm - Closing remarks & Networking:

  • Professor Andreas Loeschel, Chair of Environmental/Resource Economics and Sustainability, Ruhr- Universität Bochum
    (speaking via Zoom)

The event is part of the ANUCES Jean Monnet project “Third Country Engagement with Changing EU Trade Policy”. This project seeks to explore and improve understanding of the EU’s evolving trade policy and its implications for third countries, including Australia and countries in the Asia-Pacific region.


Session 1 – Setting The Scene: Russia’s Invasion and EU Energy Response

His Excellency Dr Michael Pulch is the European Union Ambassador to Australia, following his previous term as EU Ambassador to Singapore. Before that, Dr Pulch headed the Russia Division in the European External Action Service (EEAS) in Brussels, where he coordinated EU policies on Russia and chaired the EU Interservice Group on Russia. From 2006 to 2011, he was posted to Beijing as Deputy Chief of Mission of the EU Delegation to China, in charge of EU policies on China and relations with Mongolia. Dr Pulch entered the German Ministry of Foreign Affairs in 1986, serving in the United Nations Directorate before he was attached to the German embassy in Seoul as a political officer.

His Excellency Mr Vasyl Myroshnychenko has been the Ukrainian Ambassador to Australia since April 2022. Mr Myroshnychenko has over 20 years’ experience in strategic communications and government relations, working with the Ukrainian government, NGOs and Ukrainian clients in Washington, London, Brussels, Frankfurt, Davos and the Gulf. Mr Myroshnychenko was the co-founder of the news agency, Ukraine Crisis Media, and the CEO/Partner of CFC Big Ideas, an international communications consultancy. He has been a frequent foreign policy commentator.

Frank Jotzo is Professor of environmental economics and climate change economics at the ANU Crawford School of Public Policy, where he directs the Centre for Climate and Energy Policy. Professor Jotzo is also Director for ANU Grand Challenge Zero Carbon Energy for the Asia Pacific. Frank Jotzo has senior authorship roles with the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change and is joint editor-in-chief of the journal Climate Policy. He leads research on topics including decarbonisation strategies, economics of energy transition, policy instruments for climate change and environment, and international trade and investment. He has advised national and state governments, international organisations and businesses.

Katarzyna (Kasia) Williams is Deputy Director and Jean Monnet Research Fellow at the ANU Centre for European Studies. Her research focuses on cross-cultural relations, migrant cultures and diaspora. Recently, she has been working on research projects which explore EU-Australia relations from interdisciplinary perspectives. She is the lead researcher on the Jean Monnet projects: “Third Country Engagement with Changing EU Trade Policy”, “Culture in International Relations” and “Remembering Across Continents”, and the co-investigator on the project “Implementing Climate Policies” and “Policy, Politics, Culture: Migration and Integration Network”.


Session 2 – Perspectives from the EU and the Member States

Scott Wyatt is Advisor, the Delegation of the EU to Australia. Mr Wyatt is responsible for environment, energy and certain other priority areas at the Delegation of the European Union to Australia. He has over 13 years experience providing advice to the European Commission, the European Union External Action Service and successive EU Ambassadors. Prior to this, Mr Wyatt worked in natural resource management policy and has held positions in the private sector. He holds degrees in commerce and the biological sciences.

Bertil Wenger is the director of Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung Regional Programme Australia and the Pacific. He previously led the International Office of the Christian Democratic Union (CDU) of Germany. Prior to his role with the CDU, Mr Wenger served as Scientific Advisor and Head of Office for a Parliamentary State MP. He is a legal and international public affairs expert with significant experience in defence, security, energy, and telecommunications. 

Jakub Wilchelm is Head of Polish Investment and Trade Agency in Australia and New Zealand. He has managed Australian and New Zealand office of the Polish Investment and Trade Agency, supporting Polish exporters and investors to establish operations in the region. Before joining the Agency, Jakub worked in the private sector managing companies in the mining, chemical and real estate sectors in Poland, Australia and USA. He studied in Poland, Denmark and Taiwan.

Llewelyn Hughes is Associate Professor at the Crawford School of Public Policy, ANU. From 2018 to 2021 he served as Associate Dean for Research in the ANU's College of Asia and the Pacific. Dr Hughes is a social scientist researching the low carbon energy transition. He is particularly focused on public policies that help to create durable competitive advantage while responding to climate change. A key area of work is offshore wind power globally and in the Asia Pacific. He also advises companies, non-profits, and other organizations working on the low carbon energy transition.

Wenting Cheng is Grand Challenge Research Fellow at the ANU Grand Challenge Zero Carbon Energy for the Asia Pacific, based in the ANU College of Law. In 2018, Dr Cheng was a Visiting Fellow at the ANU Centre for European Studies, working on Jean Monnet Project “Understanding Geographical Indications”. Her current research focuses on energy regulation and norm collision in the trade-climate nexus, including intellectual property and clean technology diffusion, the regulation of green finance, and the international negotiation on environmental goods.


Session 3 – Energy Exporters’ Response and the Future of Global Energy Transition

Christian Downie is Associate Professor in the School of Regulation and Global Governance at the ANU. He is a political scientist and policy advisor with expertise in energy politics, climate politics, and foreign affairs. He holds an Australian Research Council DECRA Fellowship and was previously a Vice Chancellor’s Postdoctoral Fellow at the University of New South Wales. Dr Downie has worked as an advisor to several Australian Government agencies, including the Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet.

Jessie Moritz is a Lecturer at the ANU Centre for Arab and Islamic Studies (CAIS). She joins CAIS following the completion of a postdoctoral research fellowship with the Transregional Institute, Princeton University, where she focused on post-2014 economic reform programs in the GCC and lectured on political and economic development of the Middle East. She received her PhD from the ANU in March 2017; her dissertation received the 2017 Dissertation Award from the Association for Gulf and Peninsula Studies.

Craig Halbmaier is a U.S. Foreign Service Officer and most recently served as the Deputy Secretary of State’s advisor on Asia and economic issues.  Craig has also served abroad in New Zealand, Uganda, Burma, and Kenya.  Craig has a MA from Columbia University and a BS with Honors from Cornell University. He speaks Burmese, Swahili, and Luganda. 

Emma Aisbett is Associate Professor at the ANU College of Law and Associate Director, Research, Zero-Carbon Energy for the Asia-Pacific Grand Challenge. Her previous research spans economic globalization, environmental policy, developing countries, and political economy. She has worked on international investment agreements where she has influenced both academic debate and policy. At the Grand Challenge Dr Aisbett’s research focusses on trade and investment aspects - particularly evolution of necessary international economic law and international political economy considerations.

Andreas Loeschel is Professor of Economics and holds the Chair of Environmental/Resource Economics and Sustainability at the Ruhr University Bochum since September 202. He was Professor of Economics at the University of Münster (2014-20219) and at the University of Heidelberg (2010-2014) and Head of Department at ZEW - Leibniz Centre for European Economic Research. Since 2011, he has been the chairman of the Expert Commission of the German Government to monitor the energy transformation. He has been among the 50 most influential economists in Germany nominated by the Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung (F.A.Z.) economist ranking. He received the German Economics Prize of the Joachim Herz Foundation 2022.

Additional Information:

This is an in-person, indoor event and The Australian National University still requires masks be worn. More information on mask requirements at ANU is available here.

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Updated:  3 June 2022/Responsible Officer:  College of Science/Page Contact: