Student profiles
Learn what our students say about studying climate change, the energy transition, and disaster-risk science at ANU.
For Demi Tinning, studying a Master of Climate Change was an opportunity to make a difference in the world.
Desy Prihardini will use the scholarship to study hydrogen storage in liquid organic carriers.
The Jennifer and Ian Prosser Scholarship, which assists first-year ANU Master of Energy Change students, has this year been awarded to two people – Oscar...
In September 2019, hundreds of thousands of school students and their families rallied across Australia, kicking off a day of protest that brought together...
Master of Climate Change student, Chinthaka Jayasooriya (Jaya) has journeyed to Canberra from Sri Lanka in a quest to improve his skills and knowledge around...
A Master of Energy Change student has received a prestigious ANU award in recognition of exceptional academic excellence. Hilman Fathoni is the first Master of...
A former student of Environmental Science, Jessica has been working for the Federal Government since her undergraduate years. It was her involvement in the...
When Kirsten Duncan first heard of the Master of Climate Change at the ANU College of Asia and the Pacific, she knew the degree would be the perfect...
Rahul Ravindranathan moved to Australia from India to study the Master of Energy Change degree at ANU in 2018
Back in 2015, Aaron Tang was a ‘somewhat directionless’ undergraduate student, who was unsure what he wanted to do with his life.
Caitlin Sears was working as an exploration geologist with a multinational resources company, but her heart wasn’t in it. She decided that she wanted to make a...
Unfortunately, it’s the poorer countries of the world, with the least financial resources, who tend to be most exposed to the damaging impacts of climate...