Addressing the energy transition through multiple lenses, with the Master of Energy Change

Credit: Evangelina Sanchez
21 December 2022

Being surrounded by people who are older and more experienced than you can be intimidating. But for Simone Antich, studying the Master of Energy Change program at ANU with classmates from different backgrounds was a highlight of her experience.

“Meeting classmates who are passionate about renewable energy from all walks of life and at different stages of their career has been a truly invaluable experience,” said Simone. “I am constantly learning from, growing and considering new ideas thanks to the outstanding individuals I have met throughout this program.”

Simone entered the Master of Energy Change program immediately after completing her undergraduate study in sustainable energy management. She was looking to build on her previous learnings and find out more about a career pathway in renewable energy policy.

“I was eager to delve into energy policy, an area crucial to guiding the energy transition and one which I had had little exposure to,” she said.

Simone chose the Master of Energy Change program as it offered a unique breadth of subjects, addressing the issue of energy transition through multiple lenses.

“The broad range of research, initiatives and work conducted by faculty members reflected one of the many ways in which this program was at the forefront of the energy transition,” she said.

Simone has found the Master of Energy Change lecturers to be strongly committed to supporting students no matter their level of knowledge, creating a supportive and engaging classroom environment.

“Throughout this program I have experienced a learning environment that drives me to get out of my comfort zone, learn from my mistakes and improve in ways I could have hardly imagined,” she said.

Simone also speaks highly of the course content, particularly the practical and solutions focused approach.

“The Master of Energy Change has not only helped me gain skills in investigating, analysing and synthesizing complex energy problems, it has also allowed me to appreciate and feel more confident navigating these challenges.”

Another valuable component of the program for Simone was the guest lectures.

“The guest lectures provided us with first hand insight into how different experts and institutions are tackling the challenges of a low-carbon economy,” she said.

Simone will graduate from the Master of Energy Change program in June 2023. Looking forward, she hopes to pursue a career in energy change policy, with a focus on analysing the benefits of decarbonsation and renewable energy initiatives to both government and the private sector.

“I came to ANU in hopes of determining whether renewable energy policy could be the right career pathway for me,” she said. “I am now confident this is the path I want to pursue."

“I have no doubt that the knowledge, skills and experiences acquired throughout my Master of Energy Change will be indispensable to my career,” she concluded.

Updated:  3 February 2023/Responsible Officer:  College of Science/Page Contact: