Sam Beaver

Research Officer
ANU Institute for Climate, Energy & Disaster Solutions

Sam graduated from the ANU's Crawford School of Public Policy with his Masters of Environmental Management and Development in 2022, topping his class and earning the Tiri Tiri Prize for the highest academic achievement amongst his cohort. 

Prior to his Master's studies, his educational and career focus was centred on outdoor and environmental education, with a particular focus in engaging young people in connection to the natural world through outdoor immersion and wilderness programs. 

Upon completion of his Master's, Sam started working at ANU in various capacities, including as a field services officer at the Fenner School of Environment and Society, as a tutor for various climate and environment courses at the Fenner School and finally at ICEDS, working on several research projects exploring justice and equity in sustainable transformation, place-based sustainability and carbon market co-impacts. 

Currently, Sam's research revolves around understanding how the Australian Carbon Credit Unit (ACCU) scheme has impacted Australian landscapes and communities. Particularly how the scheme, and carbon markets in general, might move towards better practice in allowing for social, environmental and economic co-benefits to emerge surrounding carbon farming projects as well as mitigating adverse co-impacts and risks. 

Outside of ANU, Sam continues to do work with young people in outdoor and environmental education; volunteers as the policy-lead for Protect Our Winters Australia (a climate advocacy non-profit); and rock climbs, skis and heads into the mountains whenever he can. 

Updated:  6 November 2024/Responsible Officer:  College of Science/Page Contact: