Rocco Fabrizio Notarnicola

PhD Scholar
Research School of Biology

I received a Master's Degree in Ecology and Nature Conservation before moving to Canberra to do my PhD. The research project looks at the multi-trait phenotypic plasticity of an alpine plant in response to thermal gradients, with a focus on temperature projections for Mt. Kosciutszko considering changes in the climate. The focus of the study is on the evolutionary significance of phenotypic plasticity and on its underpinning molecular processes.

Research interests

  • Evolution
  • Ecology
  • Phenotypic Plasticity
  • Plant Ecophisiology
  • Quantitative Genetics
  • Epigenomics
  • Transcriptomics
  • Symbiosis.



Updated:  16 January 2025/Responsible Officer:  College of Science/Page Contact: