Professor Klaus Weber

Professor, Centre for Sustainable Energy Systems
ANU College of Engineering and Computer Science

Klaus Weber is a Professor in the Research School of Electrical, Energy and Materials Engineering at the ANU. His current research interests include thin Silicon solar cells, the development of low cost processes for high efficiency cells including laser processing, surface passivation, silicon heterojunctions and solar cells based on novel materials, particularly Perovskite and Perovskite / Silicon tandem cells. He has an Engineering degree from the University of Adelaide and a PhD from the Australian National University.

He co-invented and developed several thin film cell technologies including SLIVER technology, for which he was closely involved in the commercial development including the current ARENA project (formerly with Transform Solar). He has been involved in several other commercially focussed research projects. He has expertise in silicon cell fabrication and characterisation, surface passivation, and laser processing. He has authored over over 140 publications. He is a recipient of the Weeks Award by the International Solar Energy Society and the Alan Walsh Medal for Service to Industry by the Australian Institute of Physics. His work on SLIVER technology received numerous other awards including the Banksia Award and the Aichi World Expo Global Eco-Tech 100 award.

For more information on his research, visit the pages on tandem devices and perovskite cells, laser processing, and Sliver cells.


Updated:  13 April 2021/Responsible Officer:  College of Science/Page Contact: