Professor Andres Cuevas

PhD (Univ Politecnica Madrid), M Eng (Telecommunications, U. Pol. Madrid)
Professor, Research School of Engineering

Andres Cuevas, PhD (Univ Politecnica Madrid, 1980), M Eng (Telecommunications, U. Pol. Madrid, 1976) has held academic positions at the Polytechnical University of Madrid (1980-1992) and at The Australian National University (since 1993).

He has been a Fulbright Scholar at Stanford University and a visiting researcher at the universities of Florida and Catalunya, the CNR-Istituto LAMEL in Bologna and the Fraunhofer ISE in Freiburg.

His contributions to the field of silicon solar cells and photovoltaic solar energy are described in more than 260 scientific publications, including several patents and book chapters.

His broad interests in semiconductor physics and technology have recently focused on novel characterisation techniques for electronic materials and devices, the study of fundamental properties of silicon, the passivation of its surface by means of silicon nitride, and the advancement of multicrystalline silicon solar cells.

Updated:  13 April 2021/Responsible Officer:  College of Science/Page Contact: