Emeritus Professor Peter Drahos

LLB/BA (Hons) (University of Adelaide), Grad Dip in Legal Practice (University of South Australia), LLM (Hons) (University of Sydney), PhD (ANU)
Professor in Law
Chair in Intellectual Property, University of London
Director, Centre for Governance of Knowledge & Development

Peter Drahos holds degrees in law, politics and philosophy and is admitted as a barrister and solicitor.  He has published widely in law and social science journals on a variety of topics including contract, legal philosophy, telecommunications, intellectual property, trade negotiations and international business regulation.  He has worked as a consultant to government, international organizations and international.

Along with his colleauge Professor Neil Gunningham he is working on a three year ARC project on global energy governance.  The project is investigating the links between the climate change regime, the energy regime and the trade regime. Effective climate change mitigation cannot take place without effective energy governance, globally and nationally.

In the future the trade regime may become more closely linked to climate change goals.  This project aims to understand the linkages between these regimes and how countries can best facilitate the transition to a low carbon economy.  Detailed country case studies are being developed for this purpose.

Research interests

  • Bargaining over the Climate: Lessons from Intellectual Property Negotiations 2 (2011) Climate Law, 1-17.
  • Peter Drahos, The China-US Relationship on Climate Change, Intellectual Property and CCS: Requiem for a Species? [2009] No.1, The WIPO Journal, 125-132.
  • Peter Drahos, Six minutes to Midnight – Can Intellectual Property Save the World? in Kathy Bowrey, Michael Handler and Dianne Nicol (eds.), Emerging Issues in Intellectual Property, Oxford University Press, Australia, (forthcoming June 2011).
  • Peter Drahos, The Global Governance of Knowledge: patent offices and their clients, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 2010, 351pp.
  • Peter Drahos, IP World - Made by TNC Inc. in Gaelle Krikorian and Amy Kapczynski (eds.) Access To Knowledge In The Age Of Intellectual Property, Zone Books, New York, 2010, 197-215.

Updated:  28 April 2022/Responsible Officer:  College of Science/Page Contact:  https://iceds.anu.edu.au/contact