Dr Matthew Prebble

BSc (Hons), MSc (VUW), PhD (ANU)
ARC Post-Doctoral Research Fellow

Since 2006, I have been working with Prof Glen Summerhayes (Otago), Prof. Geoff Hope (ANU), Dr Matt Leavesley (UPNG) and Dr Andy Fairbairn (UQ) exploring the rich plant-human relationships unique to Papua New Guinea. Under the umbrella of a number research projects funded by NZ Marsden, ARC and more recently RIHN (Japan) we have been aiming to clarify some of the key issues in archaeobotany concerning both Pleistocene and Holocene plant use.

My research interests include:

  • Human impact on island environments
  • Microbotanical and macrobotanical remains
  • Palynology
  • Ancient plant DNA,
  • Sediment stratigraphy
  • Taphonomy, 14C AMS dating of pollen and phytolith concentrates
  • Indo-Pacific history, ethnobotany, environmental history and plant biogeography
  • Environmental restoration


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