Dr Mahdiar Taheri

Research Fellow
ANU College of Engineering & Computer Science

Mr. Mahdiar Taheri is currently a research fellow at The Australian National University (ANU) working in the fields of concentrated solar power (CSP) and water desalination under the supervision of A/Prof. Joe Coventry and Dr. Felipe Torres. He received his PhD in 2021 in the field of nanomaterials at ANU under the supervision of A/Prof. Takuya Tsuzuki, looking at green and scalable synthesis methods to produce metal organic frameworks (in particular zeolitic imidazolate frameworks) for water remediation, Li-ion batteries and oxygen evolution reactions. In 2016, Mahdiar was awarded two scholarships to commence his PhD, and has co-supervised six honours students since. Previously, he received his BSc and MSc degree in Materials Engineering from Iran University of Science and Technology (IUST), Tehran, Iran and ranked 1st among the undergraduate students. After MSc graduation in 2013, he worked as a research assistant at IUST, advising on industrial and MSc/BSc thesis projects in relation to ceramic manufacturing and composites. Mahdiar has co-authored more than 35 peer reviewed papers.  

Research interests

  • Materials science and engineering
  • Green synthesis of materials
  • Nanomaterials for sustainable development


Updated:  2 August 2022/Responsible Officer:  College of Science/Page Contact:  https://iceds.anu.edu.au/contact