Dr Kirill Nourzhanov

Kirill Nourzhanov has an MA from Moscow State University and a PhD from the ANU. His main research specialisation is on Central Asian politics and international relations, but his interests also cover Islamic radicalism, Eurasian geopolitics, and history of the USSR.
Kirill has worked as an academic consultant on the World Bank-funded projects in Kyrgyzstan and Tajikistan. He has served as Associate Editor of the Asian Politics and Policy journal and has been a member of the executive of the Australian Society for Inner Asian Studies. He is currently the President of the Australasian Association for Communist and Post-communist Studies. His research has previously been awarded funding by the Australian Research Council.
Kirill teaches Politics in Russia, Politics in Central Asia, and New States of Eurasia: The Emerging Issues in Politics and Security in the undergraduate program, and five courses in the graduate coursework program. He also supervises a number of PhD and Masters students working on relevant topics. His recent publications include Tajikistan: A Political and Social History, Canberra: ANU Press, 2013 (with Christian Bleuer), and Afghanistan and Its Neighbors after the NATO Withdrawal, Lanham: Lexington 2016, co-edited with Amin Saikal.
Areas of expertise
- Middle Eastern And African History
- Comparative Government And Politics
- Asian History
- Social Change
- International Relations
- Policy And Administration
- Other Studies In Human Society
Research interests
Politics, international relations and conflict resolution in contemporary Central Asia. Social change in the post-Soviet space.
- Researcher, Security
- Researcher, Energy economics and policy