Dr Gary Buttriss

Research School of Management

My teaching and research have focused on sustainable enterprise - the role business plays in moving to sustainable systems, the challenges of becoming a sustainable business and how innovation in business models, product and service development, and market evolution drives the sustainable enterprise process.

My research and teaching interests now focus on Sustainability. I currently convene Corporate Sustainability (MGMT2001); Business and the Natural Environment (MGMT3101); Business & its Social Stakeholders (MGMT3102); Managing for Sustainability (MGMT7007); and Sustainable Marketing (MKTG2002); the latter being one of the first courses of its kind internationally.

I have led a student study tour to San Francisco and Silicon Valley in 2017 themed on sustainable enterprise - the aim was to expose students to the very latest advances in sustainability in business and policy, including, waste management, social entrepreneurship and innovation incubators and start-ups and much more.

Research interests

  • Sustainability including individual, organization and market responses to climate change. Including how consumers derive value and the potential this has for developing new business models and markets.
  • Sustainable enterprise - including organizational identity - becoming a sustainable organization, and net zero and beyond strategies
  • Business ethics
  • Sustainable Development Goals and business
  • Organizational resilience - resilience as a process of organization continual renewal
  • Methods for understanding the deeper processes of change and innovation
  • An analytical approach to business decision-making and performance -including systems thinking
    • Nailer, C & Buttriss, G 2020, 'Processes of business model evolution through the mechanism of anticipation and realisation of value', Industrial Marketing Management, vol. 91, pp. 671-685.
    • Buttriss, G & Nailer, C 2019, 'Sustainable cities: How interactions in the arts and cultural communities contribute', 35th Industrial Marketing and Purchasing (IMP) Conference, 2019, IMP Group, Paris, France, pp. 16pp.
    • Buttriss, G & Nailer, C 2018, 'The role of cultural networks in co-creating a sustainable city; Canberra', 25th International Sustainable Development Research Society, ed. The Organising Committee of the 25th ISDRS Conference, NJ University, Nanjing University.
    • Buttriss, G 2018, 'The role of a broker in facilitating transdisciplinary project teams.', The 24th International Sustainable Development Research Society, ed. The Organising Committee of the ISDRS 2018 Conference, University of Messina, Department fo Economics, University of Messina, p. 99.
    • Buttriss, G 2016, 'Adapting to climate change: Becoming a resilient organisation', International Sustainable Development Research Conference, Wiley Interscience, TBC.
    • Wallace, A & Buttriss, G 2015, 'The peer-to-peer, crowd-enabling mechanism of emergent brand communities', 4th Annual International Conference on Enterprise Marketing and Globalization (EMG 2015), TBC, TBC.
    • Buttriss, G & Wilkinson, I 2014, 'Pinpointing the deeper structures, processes and mechanisms of change within interactional fields', Australasian Marketing Journal, vol. 22, no. 1, pp. 45-50.
    • Buttriss, G & Wilkinson, I. 2014, 'International Process Models and Methods', Industrial Marketing & Purchasing (IMP) Conference, Bordeaux, France, pp. 34pp.
    • Buttriss, G. 2014, 'Organizational Identity Evolving: Developing a Process Model', European Group of Organizational Studies (EGOS), SAGE Publications, pp. 1-23.
    • Buttriss, G.J. (2014) Organizational identity evolving: Developing a process model. EGOS Rotterdam, Netherlands, July
    • Buttriss, G.J. and I.F. Wilkinson (2014) Developing a Complex Adaptive Systems Models the Internationalisation Process. IMP Bordeaux, France September
    • Buttriss, Gary J., and Ian F. Wilkinson. "Pinpointing the deeper structures, processes and mechanisms of change within interactional fields." Australasian Marketing Journal (AMJ) 22.1 (2014): 45-50.
    • Wallace, A & Buttriss, G 2013, 'The power of negative brand messages: a case of angry customers in an online forum', British Academy of Management Annual Conference 2013, British Academy of Management, Liverpool, pp. 1-21.
    • Harpley, S & Buttriss, G 2013, 'Brokering in dynamic front-end innovation collaborations', Fifth International Symposium on Process Organization Studies, TBC, tbc, pp. 1-44.
    • Harpley, S. and G.J. Buttriss 2013 Brokering in dynamic front-end innovation collaborations: A Process Approach. Fifth International Symposium on Process Organization Studies. Crete, Greece June 2013
    • Wallace, A.S. and G.J. Buttriss. 2013 The power of negative brand messages: a case of angry customers in an online forum. Academy of Management Annual Conference, Liverpool, UK Sept 2013
    • Buttriss, G & Wilkinson, I 2011, 'Interactional Fields: Social Kinds in Processes of Development and Change', Industrial Marketing and Purchasing Conference 2011, Industrial Marketing and Purchasing Group, Glasgow UK.
    • Buttriss, G & Wilkinson, I 2011, 'Mechanisms, Interactional Fields and Functional Kinds of Explaining Organizational Change', Annual Conference of the Australian and New Zealand Academy of Management (ANZAM 2011), ed. Kevin Voges, Australian and New Zealand Academy of Management (ANZAM), Wellington New Zealand, pp. 1-12.
    • Riethmuller, S & Buttriss, G 2009, 'Forgoing ownership in exchange: Customer choice and Service-Dominant Logic', Australia and New Zealand Marketing Academy Conference 2009, ed. Dewi Tojib, Australian and New Zealand Marketing Academy (ANZMAC), Melbourne Australia, pp. 1-9.
    • Buttriss, G 2009, 'Explaining Organizational Change through Generative Mechanisms', Annual Conference of the Australian and New Zealand Academy of Management (ANZAM 2009), ed. Nicholas Beaumont, Promaco Conventions Pty Ltd, Australia, pp. cd rom.
    • Riethmuller, S & Buttriss, G 2008, 'Closing the Gap Between Pro-environmental Attitudes and Behaviour in Australia', Australia and New Zealand Marketing Academy Conference 2008, ed. D. Spanjaard, S. Denize, N. Sharma, Australian and New Zealand Marketing Academy (ANZMAC), Sydney, pp. 1-8.
    • Buttriss, G 2007, 'Organisational sustainability: Local responses to global issues', Australia and New Zealand Marketing Academy Conference 2007, ed. M Thyne, K Deans, J Gnoth, University of Otago, New Zealand, pp. 2375-2382.
    • Buttriss, G & Noronha, K 2007, 'The Determinants of Pharmacy Channel Selection in Australia', Australia and New Zealand Marketing Academy Conference 2007, ed. M Thyne, K Deans, J Gnoth, University of Otago, New Zealand, pp. 155-162.
    • Buttriss, G & Wilkinson, I 2006, 'Using Narrative Sequence Methods to Advance International Entrepreneurship Theory', Journal of International Entrepreneurship, vol. 4, no. 4.
    • Buttriss, G 2005, 'Explanation through causal mechanisms', Australia and New Zealand Marketing Academy Conference 2005, ed. Sharon Purchase, Australian and New Zealand Marketing Academy (ANZMAC), Fremantle, pp. 1-7.
    • Burford, M, Harris, J & Buttriss, G 2005, 'Reflection on an Undergraduate Market Analysis Subject - Informing Course Refinement', Australia and New Zealand Marketing Academy Conference 2005, ed. Sharon Purchase, Australian and New Zealand Marketing Academy (ANZMAC), Fremantle, pp. 45-50.
    • Buttriss, G, Wilkinson, I, Andersson, P et al 2005, 'Mapping mechanisms of internationalisation', IMP Asia Conference 2005, ed. Peter J. Batt, Curtin University of Technology, Sydney.
    • Buttriss, G 2004, 'Embodied, embedded and emergent - pinpointing deeper causes in complex systems', Australia and New Zealand Marketing Academy Conference 2004, ed. Jim Wiley and Peter Thirkell, Victoria University Press, Wellington, p. 7.
    • Buttriss, G & Wilkinson, I 2004, 'From 'snap-shots' to 'moving pictures': Tracing processes using Narrative Sequence Analysis in the evolution of an E-Business', Annual IMP Conference 2004, ed. Thomas Ritter, P.V. Freytage, Laurids Hedda, Copenhagen Business School Press, University of Southern Denmark.
    • Buttriss, G & Wilkinson, I 2003, 'Towards a process of model of Internetalisation', Annual IMP Conference 2003, ed. R. Fiocca, C. Hatteland, I.Juon, I. Snehota, L. Steigum, BI Norwegian School of Management, BI Norwegian School of Management.
    • Buttriss, G & Wilkinson, I 2003, 'Narrative Sequence Analysis: A New method for marketers', Australia and New Zealand Marketing Academy Conference 2003, ed. Rachel Kennedy, Australian and New Zealand Marketing Academy (ANZMAC), Adelaide.
    • Buttriss, G, Burford, M & Harris, J 2003, 'Making Marketing Analysis relevant: Expanding the analysis experience through an integrated two-session project', Australia and New Zealand Marketing Academy Conference 2003, ed. Rachel Kennedy, Australian and New Zealand Marketing Academy (ANZMAC), Adelaide.

    Updated:  25 June 2024/Responsible Officer:  College of Science/Page Contact:  https://iceds.anu.edu.au/contact