Professor Janette Lindesay
I obtained my Honours degree in Geography, Postgraduate Teaching Diploma and Doctorate in statistical and dynamical climatology from the University of the Witwatersrand in Johannesburg, and have worked in academic and research organisations in South Africa, the UK and Australia. In addition to conducting wide-ranging research on aspects of climate and its impacts, I led development and change in the environment and society undergraduate and postgraduate curricula at the ANU for more than a decade. I also convened and taught academic and professional programs and courses in climate science and climate change science and policy at the ANU, and taught by invitation at the United Nations University in Tokyo. I hold a Visiting Professorship at the University of Tokyo; am a fellow/member of a number of professional meteorological societies; and am a Senior Fellow of the Higher Education Academy (UK). I have been a member of the ANU Climate Change Institute since its inception.
Research interests
My principal research interests are in climate variability during the period of instrumental record, and climate change science in relation to vulnerability and adaptation. My current research focuses on integrating multiple influences on low-frequency fluctuations in Australian rainfall, including the potential for deterministic and dynamical seasonal forecasting; climatological aspects of bushfires and drought in Australia; temperature and rainfall trends and extremes; and climate change adaptation. I am also engaged in research into the pedagogy of climate change in academic and professional education.
- Researcher, Earth systems
- Researcher, Climate economics and policy