Professor Eelco J Rohling

Research interests
High-resolution study of ocean/climate changes during the Neogene – in particular the last 1 Million years – to determine the nature, timing, magnitude, and rates of natural climate variability
- Theoretical and applied (integrated with proxy records) modelling of present-day and past states of circulation and property distribution
- Theoretical and practical/analytical research on the use of conservative properties and d18O to trace deep-water formation, advection and mixing processes in the modern ocean.
- Assessment of changes in deep-sea ventilation states and nutrient distribution mechanisms, the interactions with the organic and inorganic carbon cycle, and the impact of ecological responses on proxy records.
- Integration of palaeoclimate research with archaeological records.
- Researcher, Carbon removal
- Researcher, Extreme events and future scenarios
Rohling, E 2013, 'Quantitative assessment of glacial fluctuations in the level of Lake Lisan, Dead Sea rift', Quaternary Science Reviews, vol. 70, pp. 63-72.
Zhao, C, Liu, Z, Rohling, E et al 2013, 'Holocene temperature fluctuations in the northern Tibetan Plateau', Quaternary Research, vol. 80, no. 1, pp. 55-65.
Rabe, B, Dodd, P, Hansen, E et al 2013, 'Liquid export of Arctic freshwater components through the Fram Strait 1998-2011', Ocean Science, vol. 9, no. 1, pp. 91-109.
Rohling, E, Slujis, A, Dijkstra, H et al 2012, 'Making sense of palaeoclimate sensitivity', Nature, vol. 491, no. 7426, pp. 683-691.
Grant, KM, Rohling, EJ, Bar-Matthews, M, Ayalon, A, Medina-Elizalde, M, Bronk Ramsay, C, Satow, C & Roberts AP 2012, 'Rapid coupling between ice volume and polar temperature over the past 150,000 years', Nature, vol. 491, pp. 744-747.