Professor Christian Barry

Research School of Philosophy

Christian Barry was educated at Columbia University in New York, receiving his PhD in philosophy in 2005. Prior to joining the ANU, he was a program officer at the Carnegie Council for Ethics in International Affairs (Justice & the World Economy),  a consultant to the Human Development Report Office at the United Nations Development Program, and a Lecturer in Politics and International Relations at University College Dublin.  His work has been supported by grants  and fellowships from the Ford Foundation, the Research Council of Norway, and the Australian Research Council, the Institute for Futures Studies (Stockholm), Global Priorities Institute (Oxford) and the Population Well-Being Initiative (UT Austin)

Research interests

Christian Barry is Director of the Research School of Social Sciences at the ANU,  Co-Editor of Political Philosophy, and Associate Editor at Ethics. His research focuses on ethical theory, philosophy of action, and international justice. His recent work include books with Sanjay Reddy, International Trade and Labour Standards: A Proposal for Linkage (Columbia University Press), Gerhard Øverland, Responding to Global Poverty: Harm, Responsibility and Agency (Cambridge University Press) and articles in Ethics, Philosophy & Public Affairs, Journal of Political Philosophy, and Politics, Philosophy and Economics, among other leading philosophy, law, and politics journals. He currently holds an Australian Reasearch Council Discovery Grant for the project The Ethics of Net Zero, and is working on a book on that topic with Garrett Cullity.


Updated:  10 March 2025/Responsible Officer:  College of Science/Page Contact: