Professor Antonio Tricoli

PhD ETH Zurich, Master Mech. Eng. ETH Zurich
Group Leader, Nanotechnology Research Laboratory
Research School of Engineering
ANU College of Engineering and Computer Science

Antonio Tricoli received his master in Mechanical and Process Engineering from the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology (ETH Zurich) in 2004 with his thesis "Numerical calculation of the blood flow through a cerebral aneurism featuring MR-reconstructed real geometry and an elastic artery wall". Immediately after, he joined the Renewable Energy Laboratory of ETH Zurich where he worked on the renewable production of solar hydrogen by two-step water splitting cycles. He continued his studies in 2005 at the Particle Technology Laboratory (ETH Zurich) researching the synthesis and self-assembly of nanoparticle films by combustion of organometallic precursors. In 2010, he received his PhD in the field of Nanotechnology with his thesis "Gas sensitive nanostructured films by direct flame synthesis and deposition". He continued his work as research fellow and lecturer at ETH Zurich focusing on the rapid synthesis of nanoparticle and nanowire layers for dye sensitized solar cells and non-invasive medical diagnostics. In 2012, he joined the Australian National University as research fellow under the Future Engineering Research Leadership Fellowship. His current research interests are the synthesis of novel nanostructures for energy production and storage, non-invasive medical diagnostics and functional coatings, and the engineering of novel dry processes for the synthesis of functional nanocomposites.


Updated:  6 November 2024/Responsible Officer:  College of Science/Page Contact: