Prof Israr Qureshi
Israr's research examines various dimensions of sustainability. He is currently involved in multiple research projects that investigate various aspects of social value creation through social entrepreneurship and Information and Communication Technology for Sustainable Development (ICTSD). His intrinsic motivation to contribute to society in general and to the poor, marginalized and disadvantaged communities in particular inspired Israr to understand sustainability and pressing social issues from theoretical and practical viewpoints. While genuinely aware of the business actions that might create some of these very issues, Israr begins to appreciate how ICTSD and social business models, if implemented with the intent of pursuing a ‘triple-bottom line’ and with the philosophy of ‘first do no harm’, might help address some of the more acute social issues through social value creation.
Research interests
- Qualitative Social Research
- Quantitative Social Research
- Communication and Media
- Social Capital
- Sociology of Organizations
- Sociology of Media
- ICT in Agriculture
- Researcher, Agriculture, food and nutritional security
- Researcher, Corporate engagement and action