Emeritus Professor Zhongwei Zhao

Zhongwei Zhao graduated from University of Cambridge (PhD), University of Exeter (MA), and Peking University (BA).

Zhongwei Zhao has been a Professor at the Australian Demographic and Social Research Institute, College of Arts and Social Sciences, the Australian National University since 2008.

Prior to taking up this appointment, he was a senior research associate at the Cambridge Group for the History of population and Social Structure, a Bye-Fellow at Pembroke College, University of Cambridge, a senior fellow/fellow/research fellow at the Australian National University, a post-doctoral fellow at the University of New South Wales and the East-West Centre of Hawaii, and a researcher at Peking University.

Research interests

  • Long-term population changes and demographic transition in Asia
  • Chinese demography
  • Environmental impacts on population health and mortality
  • Computer microsimulation in demographic research
  • Historical demography
  • Changes in families, households and kinship networks
  • Demographic estimation and mortality models
  • Demographic impacts of famines

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