Emeritus Professor Neil Gunningham

Neil Gunningham is an inter-disciplinary social scientist working principally in the areas of environmental and energy law, regulation and governance. He holds Professorial positions in the Regulatory Institutions Network and the Fenner School of Environment and Society and is co-director of the Climate and Environmental Governance Network (CEGNet).
His books include Shades of Green: Business, Regulation and Environment, (with Kagan and Thornton) 2003, Leaders and Laggards: Next Generation Environmental Regulation (with Sinclair) and Smart Regulation (with Grabosky) 1998.
He was previously Foundation Director of the Australian Centre for Environmental Law (1992-2001), and is a consultant to the OECD on compliance and regulatory design, and to various state and federal government agencies within Australia. His current work concerns energy governance and its implications for climate change.
The focus is on energy policy within a range of individual countries, on steps that are being taken to move towards a low carbon economy, and on how energy policy is coordinated internationally.
- Researcher, Energy economics and policy