Dr Rebecca Hamilton

Visiting Lecturer, School of Culture, History & Language

Research Interests

I am have two main research interests. The first uses palaeoecology to investigate how landscapes and hydroscapes respond to various drivers of change – notably climate, fire, and human disturbance. My palaeoecological research is predominantly based in tropical Asia and Australia, and spans timescales ranging from decades to millions of years. My second interest lies in historical ecology, with a focus on mapping socio-ecological data to reconstruct how shifting social perspectives influence landscape expression through time, and how people remember, value, and manage protected sites today. I am driven to use the outcomes of my research to support planetary habitability in the face of accelerating global change.

Curriculum Vitae

I joined the School of Geosciences at the University of Sydney as a Lecturer in 2023 and am currently a visiting scholar at the Australian National University. Prior to this, I held research fellowships at the Max Planck Institute of Geoanthrolopology in Jena, Germany (2020-2023) and the Australian National University in Canberra (2017-2019). I work at the intersection of the physical and social sciences, and am interested in using long-term environmental data to better understand relationships between people, landscapes and climate, and support decision making in a rapidly changing world.

Research interests


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