Dr Matthew Brookhouse

Senior Lecturer
Fenner School of Environment & Society

After completing postdoctoral projects focussed on the use of forest structural complexity for landscape planning, dendrochronological reconstruction of river flow in Victoria, water use in mountain-ash forests and [CO2] responsiveness in commercial forest species, I was appointed as a Senior Lecturer in the Fenner School in 2018. I currently teach first-year research methods, with a specific focus upon helping students make the important connection between the theory of inferential statistics and their application. I also teach modelling and field botany for later-year students.

I am continuing to explore the genotype-by-[CO2] interactions in eucalypt species and have ongoing dendrochronological, and silvicultural research interests.  I also lead collaborative research efforts focussed on understanding wood-borer induced dieback of snow-gum woodland in the Australian Alps.

Research interests

  • Plant physiology
  • Sub-alpine ecology
  • Dendrochronology
  • e[CO2] responsiveness
  • Stable isotopes


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