Dr Frank Mills

PhD (Planetary science), MS (Physics) (California Institute of Technology), BSE (Mechanical & Aerospace Engineering) (Princeton University)
Research Fellow
ANU College of Science

I have a joint appointment at the ANU in the Research School of Physics and Engineering and The Fenner School of Environment and Society.  I am also affiliated with the Planetary Science Institute, the Climate Change Institute, and the Energy Change Institute.  I have supervised student research projects in the Astrophysics, Earth Science, Engineering, Environment, and Physics programmes.  I convene and lecture in Thermal and Statistical Physics and contribute to Fundamentals of Climate System Science and Weather, Climate, and Fire.  I am also a Supporting Investigator for the European Space Agency's Venus Express mission and a member of the International Commission of Planetary Environments and their Evolution (ICPAE) of the International Association of Meteorology and Atmospheric Sciences (IAMAS).

My principal resarch interests are the transmission of radiation through planetary atmospheres and its impact on atmospheric chemistry.  My current research is in three areas: middle atmospheric chemistry on Venus and the Earth, analysis of data and simulations for Australian climate, and solar energy forecasting. 


Updated:  14 August 2024/Responsible Officer:  College of Science/Page Contact:  https://iceds.anu.edu.au/contact