Energy Minister Angus Taylor said greenhouse gas emissions have turned around by 1.1 billion tonnes under the Coalition. Is he correct?

11 April 2019

The claim
The Morrison Government has for months argued Australia is on track to meet its international greenhouse gas emissions abatement targets "in a canter".
In an interview on ABC's Insiders, Energy Minister Angus Taylor said when the Coalition came to power it inherited a 755 million tonne emissions "deficit" needed to reach Australia's second Kyoto target because Labor "hadn't done the hard work".
"We have turned that around by 1.1 billion tonnes," Mr Taylor said.
"They [Labor] hadn't got to the point where we were going to meet Kyoto. We will reach Kyoto in a canter."
In the same interview, Mr Taylor said emissions are "coming down right now".
Has the Coalition, through its "hard work", turned around an emissions deficit inherited from Labor?
And is it correct to suggest emissions are heading down?
RMIT ABC Fact Check investigates.
The verdict
Mr Taylor's claim is misleading.
Read the full article by RMIT ABC Fact Check, including commentary by Prof Mark Howden and Dr Hugh Saddler, here.  

Updated:  26 July 2019/Responsible Officer:  College of Science/Page Contact: