Icon Water and ActewAGL Endowment Fund - Call for Expressions of Interest

6 September 2021

ANU is looking to fund research from the Icon Water and ActewAGL Perpetual Endowment Fund that has the potential to transfer knowledge and expertise across disciplines and sectors, and create opportunities to work on larger joint projects.

Expressions of interest (EoI) for a research project and/or an Aspi Baria PhD Scholarship ($28,597 p/a) to support a specific research project are being sought. The funding may be allocated to or between research project activities and/or scholarship stipend. Where a PhD scholarship or top up is requested, the EoI must be submitted by an ANU researcher who has authority to recruit and supervise the PhD student and their research.

Funding up to a total of $190K is available, which may be applied to activities of between six months and eighteen months in length for research projects or three years where the project involves scholarships. The student will be required to be in Australia to be awarded the scholarship given the close collaboration required with Icon Water. Proposals are due close of business 28 September 2021.

For more information, click here.

Updated:  6 September 2021/Responsible Officer:  College of Science/Page Contact:  https://iceds.anu.edu.au/contact