Policy Forum podcast - Learning from the Black Summer

The policy forum heading, with a photograph of a burnt tree trunk with new leaf growth sprouting from it.
25 June 2021

It’s an experience no Australian wants to relive, but bushfire seasons like that of 2019/2020 are likely to increase in frequency due to climate change. On this Policy Forum Pod, defence expert Brendan Sargeant, emergency law scholar Michael Eburn, forestry academic Peter Kanowski, and health professional Arnagretta Hunter discuss the bushfire royal commission and how policymakers should be preparing to manage more severe bushfires. 

The 2019/2020 bushfire season was a traumatic experience for so many Australians, but are the country’s policymakers learning the right lessons from the Black Summer? Are the recommendations of the Royal Commission into National Natural Disaster Arrangements being taken seriously? And, with Australia facing the prospect of increasingly severe weather patterns due to climate change, how can governments, emergency services, and citizens work together to protect their communities? On this episode of Policy Forum Pod, Professor Brendan Sargeant, Honorary Associate Professor Michael Eburn, and Professor Peter Kanowski join Dr Arnagretta Hunter to discuss what policymakers and citizens should learn from Australia’s Black Summer. 

Listen to the episode on the Policy Forum Acast website, featuring Dr Arnagretta Hunter, Professor Brendan Sargeant, Honorary Associate Professor Michael Eburn, and Professor Peter Kanowski

Updated:  5 July 2021/Responsible Officer:  College of Science/Page Contact:  https://iceds.anu.edu.au/contact