Top economists call for budget measures to speed the switch to electric cars

A cartoon drawing of Australia with a face, driving a car and waving out of the window.
20 June 2021

Australia’s top economists overwhelmingly back government measures to speed the transition to electric cars in order to meet emission reduction targets.

An exclusive poll of 62 of Australia’s preeminent economists — selected by their peers — finds 51 back measures to boost the take-up of electric cars including subsidising public charging stations, subsidising the purchase of all-electric vehicles, and setting a date to ban the import of traditionally-powered cars.

Only 11 oppose such measures, three of them because they prefer a carbon tax.

Six of the 51 who supported special measures said they did so reluctantly, as their preferred alternative would be a carbon price or a carbon tax, rather than subsidising “one alternative out of many to reduce emissions”.

Read the full article on The Conversation, authored by Visiting Fellow Peter Martin

Updated:  5 July 2021/Responsible Officer:  College of Science/Page Contact: