Associate Professor Michael Ellwood

Michael Ellwood's research projects include:
1) Microscopic plankton form the base of the marine food-chain and account for more than half of global primary production, and hence moderates our climate through the ocean's ability to drawdown carbon dioxide. In this project, the sources and bio-availability of the key micro-nutrient, iron, and its influence on plankton productivity in the surface ocean will be investigated by making state-of-the-art iron isotope measurements on plankton and waters samples collected from the Tasman Sea region. The knowledge generated in this project will help elucidate future impacts and feedbacks desertification of continental Australian and ocean stratification have on the supply and cycling of iron in the marine realm.
2) This research will reconstruct the distribution of nutrients in the Southern Ocean using the isotope and trace element composition of fossil marine skeletons of siliceous and carbonate organisms. Understanding the distributions of key nutrients such as phosphate, nitrate and silicate in the surface and deep ocean is essential to understand the mechanisms by which marine algae influenced the drawdown of atmospheric carbon dioxide during the past. These links between nutrients, productivity and carbon dioxide are critical to understanding future climate change and its connection to increases in atmospheric carbon dioxide concentration associated with fossil fuel burning.
- Researcher, Hydrogen economy
- Researcher, Carbon removal
- Ellwood, M. J., L. Schneider, J. Potts, G. E. Batley, J. Floyd, and W. A. Maher. 2016, 'Volatile selenium fluxes from selenium-contaminated sediments in an Australian coastal lake', Environmental Chemistry, vol. 13, no. 1, pp. 68-75.
- Jagtap, R., W. Maher, F. Krikowa, M. J. Ellwood, and S. Foster. 2016, 'Measurement of selenomethionine and selenocysteine in fish tissues using HPLC-ICP-MS', Microchemical Journal, vol. 128, pp. 248-257.
- Samanta, M., Ellwood, M.J., Mortimer, G.E. 2016, 'A method for determining the isotopic composition of dissolved zinc in seawater by MC-ICP-MS with a 67Zn-68Zn double spike', Microchemical Journal, vol. 126, pp. 530-537.
- Sinoir, M., Ellwood, M.J., Butler, E.C.V., Bowie, A.R., Mongin, M., Hassler, C.S. 2016, 'Zinc cycling in the Tasman Sea: Distribution, speciation and relation to phytoplankton community', Marine Chemistry, vol. 182, pp. 25-37.
- Boyd, P.W., Strzepek, R.F., Ellwood, M.J., Hutchins, D.A., Nodder, S.D., Twining, B.S., Wilhelm, S.W. 2015, 'Why are biotic iron pools uniform across high- and low-iron pelagic ecosystems?', Global Biogeochemical Cycles, vol. Published online 24 JUL 2015.
- Ellwood, M.J., Hutchins, D.A., Lohan, M.C., Milne, A., Nasemann, P., Nodder, S.D., Sander, S.G., Strzepek, R., Wilhelm, S.W., Boyd, P.W., 2015, 'Iron stable isotopes track pelagic iron cycling during a subtropical phytoplankton bloom', PNAS - Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, vol. 112, no. 1, pp. E15-E20.
- Maher, W.A., Ellwood, M.J., Krikowa, F., Raber, G., Foster, S. 2015, 'Measurement of arsenic species in environmental, biological fluids and food samples by HPLC-ICPMS and HPLC-HG-AFS', Journal of Analytical Atomic Spectrometry, vol. 30, no. 10, pp. 2129-2183.
- Meissner, K., Abram, N., Armand, L., Chase, Z., De Deckker, P., Ellwood, M., Exon, N., Gagan, M., Goodwin, I., Howard, W., Lough, J., McCulloch, M., McGregor, H., Moy, A., O’Leary, M., Phipps, S., Skilbeck, G., Webster, J., Welsh, K., Zinke, J. 2015, 'Dealing with Climate Change: Palaeoclimate Research in Australia', Quaternary Australasia, vol. 32, no. 1, pp. 19-24.
- Thompson, C, Ellwood, M & Sander, S 2014, 'Dissolved copper speciation in the Tasman Sea, SW Pacific Ocean', Marine Chemistry, vol. 164, pp. 84-94.
- Thompson, C & Ellwood, M 2014, 'Dissolved copper isotope biogeochemistry in the Tasman Sea, SW Pacific Ocean', Marine Chemistry, vol. 165, pp. 1-9.
- Ellwood, M.J., Nodder, S.D., King, A., Hutchins, D.A., Wilhelm, S.W., Boyd, P.W. 2014, 'Pelagic iron cycling during the subtropical spring bloom, east of New Zealand', Marine Chemistry, vol. 160, pp. 18-33.
- Hassler, C.S., Ridgway, K.R., Bowie, A.R., Butler, E.C.V., Clementson, L.A., Doblin, M.A., Davies, D.M., Law, C., Ralph, P.J., van der Merwe, P., Watson, R., Ellwood, M.J. 2014, 'Primary productivity induced by iron and nitrogen in the Tasman Sea: An overview of the PINTS expedition', Marine and Freshwater Research, vol. 65, no. 6, pp. 517-537.
- Thompson, C, Ellwood, M & Wille, M 2013, 'A solvent extraction technique for the isotopic measurement of dissolved copper in seawater', Analytica chimica acta, vol. 775, pp. 106-113.
- Bostock, H.C., Barrows, T.T., Carter, L., Chase, Z., Cortese, G., Dunbar, G.B., Ellwood, M., Hayward, B., Howard, W., Neil, H.L., Noble, T.L., Mackintosh, A., Moss, P.T., Moy, A.D., White, D., Williams, M.J.M., Armand, L.K., 2013, 'A review of the Australian-New Zealand sector of the Southern Ocean over the last 30ka (Aus-INTIMATE project)', Quaternary Science Reviews, vol. 74, pp. 35-57.
- Ellwood, M.J., Law, C.S., Hall, J., Woodward, E.M.S., Strzepek, R., Kuparinen, J., Thompson, K., Pickmere, S., Sutton, P., Boyd, P.W. 2013, 'Relationships between nutrient stocks and inventories and phytoplankton physiological status along an oligotrophic meridional transect in the Tasman Sea', Deep-Sea Research Part 1. Oceanographic Research Papers, vol. 72, pp. 102-120.
- Wilhelm, S.W., King, A.L., Twining, B.S., LeCleir, G.R., DeBruyn, J.M., Strzepek, R.F., Breene, C.L., Pickmere, S., Ellwood, M.J., Boyd, P.W., Hutchins, D.A., 2013, 'Elemental quotas and physiology of a southwestern pacific ocean plankton community as a function of iron availability', Aquatic Microbial Ecology, vol. 68, no. 3, pp. 185-194.
- Wille, M., Nebel, O., Van Kranendonk, M.J., Schoenberg, R., Kleinhanns, I., Ellwood, M.J 2013, 'Mo-Cr isotope evidence for a reducing Archean atmosphere in 3.46-2.76Ga black shales from the Pilbara, Western Australia', Chemical Geology, vol. 340, pp. 68-76.
- Maher, W, Krikowa, F, Ellwood, M et al 2012, 'Overview of hyphenated techniques using an ICP-MS detector with an emphasis on extraction techniques for measurements of metalloids by HPLC-ICPMS', Microchemical Journal, vol. 105, pp. 15-31.
- Boyd, P.W., Strzepek, R., Chiswell, S., Chang, H., DeBruyn, J.M., Ellwood, M., Keenan, S., King, A.L., Maas, E.W., Nodder, S., Sander, S.G., Sutton, P., Twining, B.S., Wilhelm, S.W., Hutchins, D.A. 2012, 'Microbial control of diatom bloom dynamics in the open ocean', Geophysical Research Letters, vol. 39, no. 17.
- Boyle, E.A., John, S., Abouchami, W., Adkins, J.F., Echegoyen-Sanz, Y., Ellwood, M., Flegal, A.R., Fornace, K., Gallon, C., Galer, S., Gault-Ringold, M., Lacan, F., Radic, A., Rehkamper, M., Rouxel, O., Sohrin, Y., Stirling, C., Thompson, C., Vance, D., Xue, Z., Zhao, Y., 2012, 'GEOTRACES IC1 (BATS) contamination-prone trace element isotopes Cd, Fe, Pb, Zn, Cu, and Mo intercalibration', Limnology and Oceanography: Methods, vol. 10, pp. 653-665.
- King, A.L., Sañudo-Wilhelmy, S.A., Boyd, P.W., Twining, B.S., Wilhelm, S.W., Breene, C., Ellwood, M.J., Hutchins, D.A. 2012, 'A comparison of biogenic iron quotas during a diatom spring bloom using multiple approaches', Biogeosciences Discussions, vol. 9, pp. 667-687.
- Matteson, A.R., Loar, S.N., Pickmere, S., DeBruyn, J.M., Ellwood, M.J., Boyd, P.W., Hutchins, D.A., Wilhelm, S.W. 2012, 'Production of viruses during a spring phytoplankton bloom in the South Pacific Ocean near of New Zealand', FEMS Microbiology Ecology, vol. 79, no. 3, pp. 709-719.
- Kuparinen, J, Hall, J, Ellwood, M et al 2011, 'Bacterioplankton responses to iron enrichment during the SAGE experiment', Deep-Sea Research Part II: Tropical studies in oceanography, vol. 58, pp. 800-807.
- Harvey, M, Law, C, Smith, M et al 2011, 'The SOLAS air-sea gas exchange experiment (SAGE) 2004', Deep-Sea Research Part II: Tropical studies in oceanography, vol. 58, pp. 753-763.
- Andersen, M.B., Vance, D., Archer, C., Anderson, R.F., Ellwood, M.J. and Allen, C.S., 2011, 'The Zn abundance and isotopic composition of diatom frustules, a proxy for Zn availability in ocean surface seawater', Earth and Planetary Science Letters, vol. 301, no. 1-2, pp. 137-145.
- Jagtap, R., Krikowa, F., Maher, W., Foster, S. and Ellwood, M., 'Measurement of methyl mercury (I) and mercury (II) in fish tissues and sediments by HPLC-ICPMS and HPLC-HGAAS', Talanta, vol. 85, no. 1, pp. 49-55.
- Law, C, Woodward, E, Ellwood, M, Marriner, A, Bury, S, and Safi K., 2011, 'Response of surface nutrient inventories and nitrogen fixation to a tropical cyclone in the southwest pacific', Limnology and Oceanography, vol. 56, no. 4, pp. 1372-1385.
- Law, C.S., Smith, M.J., Stevens, C., Abraham, E.R., Ellwood, M.J., Hill, P., Nodder, S., Peloquin, J., Pickmere, S., Safi, K. and Walkington, C.M., 2011, 'Did dilution limit the phytoplankton response to iron addition in HNLCLSi sub-Antarctic waters during the SAGE experiment?', Deep-Sea Research Part II: Tropical studies in oceanography, vol. 58, no. 6, pp. 786-799.
- Peloquin, J., Hall, J., Safi, K., Ellwood, M., Law, C., Thompson, K., Kuparinen, J., Harvey, M. and Pickmere, S., 2011, 'Control of the phytoplankton response during the SAGE experiment: A synthesis', Deep-Sea Research Part II: Tropical studies in oceanography, vol. 58, no. 6, pp. 824-838.
- Boyd, P & Ellwood, M 2010, 'The biogeochemical cycle of iron in the ocean', Nature Geoscience, vol. 3, no. 10, pp. 675-682.
- Sutton, J, Ellwood, M, Maher, W et al 2010, 'Oceanic distribution of inorganic germanium relative to silicon: Germanium discrimination by diatoms', Global Biogeochemical Cycles, vol. 24, no. 2, pp. 1-13.
- Ellwood, M, Wille, M & Maher, W 2010, 'Glacial Silicic Acid Concentrations in the Southern Ocean', Science, vol. 330, no. 6007, pp. 1088-1091.
- Wille, M, Sutton, J, Ellwood, M et al 2010, 'Silicon isotopic fractionation in marine sponges: A new model for understanding silicon isotopic variations in sponges', Earth and Planetary Science Letters, vol. 292, pp. 281-89.
- Telford, K, Maher, W, Krikowa, F et al 2009, 'Bioaccumulation of antimony and arsenic in a highly contaminated stream adjacent to the Hillgrove Mine, NSW, Australia', Environmental Chemistry, vol. 6, no. 2, pp. 133-143.
- Fallon, S, Strzepek, K, Norman, R et al 2009, 'A simple radiocarbon dating method for determining the age and growth rate of deep-sea sponges', Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research: Section B, vol. 268, no. 8 Oct 2009, pp. 1241-1243.
- Vopel, K, Pilditch, C, Wilson, P et al 2009, 'Oxidation of surface sediment: effects of disturbance depth and seawater flow speed', Marine Ecology Progress Series, vol. 392, pp. 43-55.
- Vance, D, Archer, C, Bermin, J et al 2008, 'The copper isotope geochemistry of rivers and oceans', Earth and Planetary Science Letters, vol. 274, no. 1-2, pp. 204-213.
- Ellwood, M, Wilson, P, Vopel, K et al 2008, 'Trace metal cycling in the Whau Estuary, Auckland, New Zealand.', Environmental Chemistry, vol. 5, no. 4, pp. 289-298.
- Ellwood, A, Boyd, P & Sutton, P 2008, 'Winter-time dissolved iron and nutrient distribution in the Subantarctic Zone from 40-52S; 155-160E', Geophysical Research Letters, vol. 35, no. 11, p. 6.
- Ellwood, M 2008, 'Wintertime trace metal (Zn, Cu, Ni, Cd, Pb and Co) and nutrient distributions in the Subantarctic Zone between 40-52°S; 155-160°E', Marine Chemistry, vol. 112, no. 1-2, pp. 107-117.
- Croot, P, Frew, R, Sander, S et al 2007, 'Physical mixing effects on iron biogeochemical cycling: FeCycle experiment', Journal of Geophysical Research, vol. 112, no. C06015, p. 18.
- Ellwood, M, Kelly, M & Richer de Forges, B 2007, 'Silica banding in the deep-sea lithistid sponge Corallistes undulatus: Investigating the potential influence of diet and environment on growth', Limnology and Oceanography, vol. 52, no. 5, pp. 1865-1873.
- Kelly, M, Ellwood, M, Tubbs, L et al 2007, 'The lithistid Demospongiae in New Zealand waters: species composition and distribution', International Sponge Symposium 2007, ed. Marcio Reis Custodio, Gisele Lobo-Hajdu, Guiljerme Muricy, IMOS Grafica e Editora, Brazil, pp. 393-404.
- Tian, F, Frew, R, Sander, S et al 2006, 'Orgainic iron (III) speciation in surface transects across a frontal zone: the Chatham Rise, New Zealand', Marine and Freshwater Research, vol. 57, pp. 533-544.
- Ellwood, M, Kelly, M, Maher, W et al 2006, 'Germanium incorporation into sponge spicules: Development of a proxy for reconstructing inorganic germanium and silicon concentrations in seawater', Earth and Planetary Science Letters, vol. 243, pp. 749-759.
- Foster, S, Maher, W, Krikowa, F et al 2005, 'Observations on the measurement of total antimony and antimony species in algae, plant and animal tissues', International Workshop on Antimony in the Environment 2005, Royal Society of Chemistry, United Kingdom, pp. 1214-1219.
- LeBlanc, K, Hare, C, Boyd, P et al 2005, 'Fe and Zn effects on the Si Cycle and diatom community structure in two contrasting high and low-silicate HNLC areas', Deep-Sea Research Part 1. Oceanographic Research Papers, vol. 52, pp. 1842-1864.
- Mioni, C, Handy, S, Ellwood, A et al 2005, 'Tracking changes in bioavailable Fe within high-nitrate low-chlorophyll oceanic waters: A first estimate using a heterotrophic bacterial bioreporter', Global Biogeochemical Cycles, vol. 19, no. GB4S25, p. 10.
- Ellwood, M, van den Berg, C, Boye, M et al 2005, 'Organic complexation of cobalt across the Antarctic Polar Front in the Southern Ocean', Marine and Freshwater Research, vol. 56, no. 8, pp. 1069-1075.
- Boyd, P, Law, C, Hutchins, D et al 2005, 'FeCycle: Attempting an iron biogeochemcial budget from a mesoscale SF6 tracer experiment in unpertutbed low iron waters', Global Biogeochemical Cycles, vol. 19, no. GB4S20, p. 13.
- Ellwood, M, Kelly, M, Neil, H et al 2005, 'Reconstruction of paleo-particulate organic carbon fluxes for the Campbell Plateau region of southern New Zealand using the zinc content of sponge spicules', Paleoceanography, vol. 20, no. 3, pp. 1-15.
- Kirby, J, Maher, W, Ellwood, M et al 2004, 'Arsenic Species Determination in Biological Tissues by HPLC-ICP-MS and HPLC-HG-ICP-MS', Australian Journal of Chemistry, vol. 57, pp. 957-966.
- Ellwood, M 2004, 'Zinc and cadmium speciation in subantarctic waters east of New Zealand', Marine Chemistry, vol. 87, no. 1-2, pp. 37-58.
- Boyd, P, McTainsh, G, Sherlock, V et al 2004, 'Episodic enhancement of phytoplankton stocks in New Zealand subantarctic waters: Contribution of atmospheric and ocieanic iron supply', Global Biogeochemical Cycles, vol. 18, pp. GB1029 1 of 23.
- Ellwood, M, Kelly, M, Nodder, S et al 2004, 'Zinc/silicon ratios of sponges: A proxy for carbon export to the seafloor', Geophysical Research Letters, vol. 31, pp. L12308 1 of 4.
- Ellwood, M & Maher, W 2003, 'Measurement of arsenic species in marine sediments by high-performance liquid chromatography-inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry', Analytica chimica acta, vol. 477, no. 2, pp. 279-291.
- Ellwood, M & Maher, W 2003, 'Germanium cycling in the waters across a frontal zone: the Chatham Rise, New Zealand', Marine Chemistry, vol. 80, no. 2-3, pp. 145-159.
- Ellwood, M, Hunter, K & Cunninghame, R 2003, 'Elimination of equivalence point errors in the potentiometric titration of chloride, bromide and iodide mixtures with silver nitrate', Microchemical Journal, vol. 74, no. 2, pp. 187-192.
- Ellwood, M & Maher, W 2002, 'An automated hydride generation-cryogenic trapping ICP-MS system for measuring inorganic and methylated Ge, Sb and As species in marine and fresh waters', Journal of Analytical Atomic Spectrometry, vol. 17, no. 3, pp. 197-203.
- Ellwood, M & Maher, W 2002, 'Arsenic and antimony species in surface transects and depth profiles across a frontal zone: The chatham Rise, New Zealand', Deep-Sea Research Part 1. Oceanographic Research Papers, vol. 49, pp. 1971-1981.
- Tukai, R, Maher, W, McNaught, I et al 2002, 'Measurement of arsenic species in marine macroalgae by microwave-assisted extraction and high performance liquid chromatography-inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry', Analytical Chemistry, vol. 457, pp. 173-185.
- Tukai, R, Maher, W, McNaught, I et al 2002, 'Occurrence and chemical form of arsenic in marine macroalgae from the east coast of Australia', Marine and Freshwater Research, vol. 53, pp. 971-980.
- Ellwood, M & Hunter, K 2000, 'The incorporation of Zinc and iron into the frustule of the marine diatom Thalassiorira pseudonana', Limnology and Oceanography, vol. 45, no. 7, pp. 1517-1524.
- Ellwood, M & van den Berg, C 2000, 'Zinc speciation in the Northeastern Atlantic Ocean', Marine Chemistry, vol. 68, no. 4, pp. 295-306.
- Ellwood, M & Hunter, K 2000, 'Determination of the Zn/Si ratio in diatom opal: method for the separation, cleaning and dissolution of diatoms', Marine Chemistry, vol. 66, pp. 149-160.
- Ellwood, M & Hunter, K 2000, 'Variations in the Zn/Si record over the last interglacial glacial transition', Paleoceanography, vol. 15, no. 5, pp. 506-514.