Dr Ian Fry

Bachelor of Applied Science & Grad Dip Media (U. Canberra), Master of Environmental Studies (Macq U), Master of Environmental Law, with merit (ANU), Grad Dip. International Law
Lecturer in International Environmental Policy & PhD Scholar
ANU College of Science

Ian Fry is an international environmental law and policy expert. His focus is primarily on the mitigation policies associated with the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change and its related agreements. He actively participates in climate change negotiations as a member of the delegation of the Government of Tuvalu. He also participates in other international environment fora, including the Convention on Biological Diversity. His particular interest relates to land use change and forestry issues with the Kyoto Protocol and the interface between science and policy making.


Updated:  14 August 2024/Responsible Officer:  College of Science/Page Contact:  https://iceds.anu.edu.au/contact