Changing the narrative of climate change

An image looking over Canberra at night time on 31 Jan 2020, with the hills in the background lit up orange with the Orroral Valley fire burning.
14 October 2020

Few people would recognise respiratory failure as a critical threat to their health without also placing Covid-19 – an amplifier of respiratory failure – in the same category. Yet, this is essentially the way many Australians view climate change and its impacts, according to the 2020 Lowy Institute Poll.

While “drought and water shortages” and “environmental disasters such as bushfires and floods” are considered critical threats by 77% and 67% of the Australian population, respectively, only 59% say the same of climate change. We know that global warming is amplifying Australia’s risk of severe drought and bushfires along with other extreme weather events and rising sea levels. This disconnect presents us with a puzzle.

Read the full article on The Interpreter website, authored by Dr Bec Colvin

Updated:  14 October 2020/Responsible Officer:  College of Science/Page Contact: