ANU Climate Update 2020
Click here to watch a 1 minute video on how climate change has contributed to the unprecedented fire season and what can be done.
Both Part 1 and Part 2 of this event were recorded, and can be viewed on our Facebook page here.
Part 1 provided a global overview of how our climate changed in 2019, including a focus on extreme events and health impacts. The recording can be viewed here.
Part 2 discussed ideas for how we can transition to a low carbon future. The recording can be viewed here.
To download each speaker's presentations, click on the links below under Program
Australia’s climate is already becoming hotter, more extreme and uncertain, and it’s projected to become increasingly inhospitable and dangerous unless we take transformative, timely and positive action. For example, climate change has been a major factor in driving the unprecedented scale and severity of the 2019/20 bushfires.
Research shows that the majority of Australians believe that global warming is a serious and pressing problem. Despite this, as a society, we are not acting with the urgency required to limit global warming to 1.5°C or even 2°C. Nor are we preparing climate adaptation responses to the degree needed to manage the emerging risks.
ANU Climate Update 2020 presented an overview of how our climate is changing in Australia and around the world and how we can respond to these changes. You heard from climate experts and those both researching and driving the transition to a low carbon society. The event brought together policymakers, business people, researchers, students, media and the wider community.
2.45pm - 4.40pm - Part 1 - State of the Climate
Ngaio Fitzpatrick - Light on the Hill (6MB PDF)
Global Climate Overview 2019 - Prof Mark Howden, Director, ANU Climate Change Institute (1.77MB PDF)
Climate impacts: Health - Dr Arnagretta Hunter, ANU College of Health and Medicine (4.08MB PDF)
Audience Q&A
5.20 - 6.45pm - Part 2 - Transitioning to a low carbon future
Chair: Prof Michael Platow, Research School of Psychology, ANU
Transition at a community level - Verity Morgan-Schmidt, Farmers for Climate Action (4.09MB PDF)
Image: People evacuating at Batemans Bay from the NYE bushfires, 2019. Credit: Kirsty Blake