What is the future of renewable energy in Indonesia?

30 July 2018

Video features Andrew Blakers, Professor of Engineering, ANU. 

Australia-Indonesia Centre marks energy milestone

The Australia-Indonesia Centre (AIC) concluded the first phase of its Energy Cluster program with researchers, consultants and students from both countries gathering for a workshop spanning two-days and two universities – ANU and Monash University.

The workshop, held in July, provided an opportunity for participants to discuss numerous AIC and student projects ranging from forest biomass-based energy, pumped hydro storage opportunities, island-based microgrids and capacity building of renewable energy professionals in Indonesia.

Cluster Co-Lead and Deputy Director of Monash Energy Materials and Systems Institute Dr Ariel Liebman and Co-Leads from Universitas Hasanuddin in Makassar and Institut Teknologi Bandung led presentations from a wide range of researchers aiming to shape policies and advance technologies to help reach Indonesia’s renewable energy targets set by President Joko Widodo’s government.

“The AIC’s Energy Cluster has helped facilitate Australian research and business engagement in renewable energy development in Indonesia,” said Dr Igor Skyrabin, AIC Energy Research Cluster co-lead and coordinator. “The Cluster’s strength lies in its ability to draw together key Australian and Indonesian players in the field of energy to work on complex issues, some that need a deep understanding of social and regulatory challenges.” 

The Australia-Indonesia Centre brings together 11 universities from the two countries to advance and deepen people-to-people and institutional links in science, technology, education and innovation. One of four key areas of priority for collaborative research is energy. The AIC’s Energy Research Cluster leadership team includes the ANU Energy Change Institute’s Professor Ken Baldwin and Dr Igor Skryabin and from Monash Univeristy Dr Ariel Liebman, Deputy Director of Monash Energy Materials and Systems Institute.

Find out more: http://energy.australiaindonesiacentre.org/

Updated:  15 February 2021/Responsible Officer:  College of Science/Page Contact:  https://iceds.anu.edu.au/contact