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26 Feb 2019
Some farmers paid to preserve vegetation on their land appear to be clearing other parts of their properties, undermining the benefits claimed by the Morrison...
26 Feb 2019
Mining giant received payments and carbon credits for shutting down oil generator before switching to diesel plant. Australians have paid about $2m from the...
21 Feb 2019
When the wind blows, Krystal Bullen’s home can vanish in an instant. It sits on 4,000 acres of dust outside Pilliga, a New South Wales town nearly 300 miles...
19 Feb 2019
Energy storage and transmission must be rapidly updated to meet emissions targets through uptake of renewables, group says. Read the full article in the...
19 Feb 2019
A sea of red has blanketed the NSW town of Condobolin as a thick dust storm swept the state’s central west, a symptom of the drought gripping Australia. Local...
19 Feb 2019
During a three day workshop held at ANU recently, experts from a broad range of backgrounds discussed the future of the electricity system.
19 Feb 2019
Authorities say two coal-fired power stations' worth of renewable energy won't be able to reach the grid without major upgrades to networks in...
13 Feb 2019
The Australian and New South Wales governments have invested $7 million in a project that aims to develop new ways to operate the existing energy grid.
12 Feb 2019
In the dim distant past, politicians got themselves elected by showing us a Vision of Australia’s future that was brighter and more alluring than their...
12 Feb 2019
The so-called "Gaia hypothesis" essentially argues that living organisms interact with the broader inorganic environment to create a complex, self-...
11 Feb 2019
Climate change threatens disasters that are larger and more complex than ever before. Australia needs to be better prepared to tackle these, Anthony Bergin...
11 Feb 2019
Politicians are unfairly blaming solar and wind power for electricity blackouts, according to the latest research from the Grattan Institute.