We now know what Scott Morrison thinks about climate change action. But what about Australian voters?

A stop sign has a sticker at the bottom saying "climate change."
29 April 2021

With US president Biden's virtual summit last week, there's been a great deal of focus on Scott Morrison's views on climate action. And, although politicians' motivations are important when it comes to determining policy, a crucial motivator for them is what voters think.

A new study shows that, despite the majority of Australians now seeing climate change as a serious threat, many still aren't prioritising it enough for the government to take notice.

So, with scientists sounding the alarm about how urgently climate action is needed, why then, for most Australians, is climate change still not a priority, and what might shift that view?

Listen to the ABC Radio National interview featuring Dr Rebecca Colvin here.

Updated:  29 April 2021/Responsible Officer:  College of Science/Page Contact:  https://iceds.anu.edu.au/contact