Nomination of Experts for Scoping Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change Sixth Assessment Report

12 October 2016

The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) is the key global science body addressing climate change. The IPCC is seeking expressions of interest from experts to participate in the scoping of the IPCC Sixth Assessment Report (6AR) Working Groups 1, 2 and 3.  The scoping meeting will set the broad direction and structure of the IPCC 6th Assessment. Hence, the scoping roles are both highly influential and highly sought after. The scoping meeting will be held the week of 1-5 May 2017 at a venue yet to be determined.
If you’re interested in nominating for a role in the IPCC AR6 Scoping Meeting, please email Mark Howden at as soon as possible (preferably before 24 October).  The deadline for nominations to be lodged with the IPCC is Monday 31st October 2016.
Participants in the Scoping Meeting should have a broad understanding of climate change and related issues, and should collectively have expertise in the following areas:
Working Group I
Climate system (atmosphere, ocean, land surface, cryosphere): observations (past and present), processes, and interactions.
Natural and anthropogenic drivers of climate change (land use, well-mixed greenhouse gases, short-lived forcers including aerosols), carbon and other biogeochemical cycles.
Climate modelling, model evaluation, predictions, scenarios and projections, detection and attribution, on global and regional scales.
Earth system feedbacks and dynamical responses, including abrupt change.
Climate variability, climate phenomena and teleconnections, extremes and implications for regional climate.
Working Group II
Impacts on and vulnerability of natural and managed systems (land, freshwater and oceans) including genetics, physiology and regional ecosystem expertise.
Palaeo and historical views of natural, managed and human systems across regions.
Impacts, vulnerability and risks for sectors including fisheries, agriculture, tourism, transport, resource extraction, energy.
Impacts, vulnerability and risks for human systems including health and wellbeing, indigenous and cultural, livelihoods, poverty.
Impacts, vulnerability and risks for settlements, including rural, urban, cities, and those on small islands and in coastal areas, and related systems and processes including food, economic and energy security, migration.
Adaptation needs, options, opportunities, constraints and influencing factors including contributions from psychology, sociology, and anthropology.
Approaches for adaptation to climate change: ecosystem and community based adaptation, disaster risk reduction, and early warning systems.
Socio-cultural, anthropological and psychological background of making and implementing decisions.
Working Group III
Socio-economic scenarios, modelling and transitions at the global, regional, national and local scales including integrated assessment approaches.
Energy systems including supply and energy demand sectors (e.g., industry, transport, buildings).
Mitigation responses in agriculture, forestry, land use and waste.
Consumption patterns, human behavior and greenhouse gas emissions, including economic, psychological, sociological and cultural aspects.
Policies, agreements and instruments at the international, national and subnational levels, including those at the city level.
Technology innovation, transfer and deployment.
Financial aspects of response options.
Cross-cutting areas of expertise
Co-benefits, risks and co-costs of mitigation and adaptation, including interactions and trade-offs, technological and financial challenges and options.
Ethics and equity: climate change, sustainable development, gender, poverty eradication, livelihoods, and food security.
Perception of risks and benefits of climate change, adaptation and mitigation options, and societal responses, including psychological and sociological aspects.
Climate engineering, greenhouse gas removal, and associated feedbacks and impacts.
Regional and sectorial climate information.
Epistemology and different forms of climate related knowledge and data, including indigenous and practice-based knowledge.
Regional Expertise
North America
Central and South America
Polar regions
Small islands
Please email for more information.

Updated:  29 July 2019/Responsible Officer:  College of Science/Page Contact: