Find out about the latest news, announcements and stories about the ANU Institute for Climate, Energy & Disaster Solutions.
8 Sep 2020
Citizen scientists from around the world are being asked to help complete Australia's longest daily weather record.
7 Sep 2020
NSW Environment Minister Matt Kean has declared hydrogen the "breakthrough that changes the world", comparing its impact on climate change to what a...
6 Sep 2020
Across the Namadgi, green shoots of hope have sprouted after the devastation of last summer's fires. But there are some areas which are just as desolate...
3 Sep 2020
It might be the biggest whodunnit — or what-dunnit — in Australia.More than 2 trillion litres of water — enough to fill Sydney Harbour four and a half times —...
3 Sep 2020
Water that was expected to flow for the benefit of the environment has gone missing, top scientists say.
3 Sep 2020
Australia continues to lead the world in the per capita roll out of energy generated by solar and wind, resulting in lower greenhouse gas emissions and falling...
27 Aug 2020
When the clock ticked over to 2020, Australia was in the grip of a brutal drought and unprecedented bushfires. But in the months since, while many of us were...
27 Aug 2020
Australia's economic response to COVID ignores aged care, climate crisis and housing, report finds »
Australia’s economic response to Covid-19 has failed to address insecure work, privatised services such as aged care, low housing supply and climate change.
26 Aug 2020
Arctic sea ice is melting more quickly than once assumed. Today's climate models have yet to incorporate the steep rise in temperatures that have occurred...
26 Aug 2020
Alan Finkel’s support for an expanded role for gas-fired power is not consistent with a safe climate, 25 scientists say
25 Aug 2020
A group of leading Australian scientists has taken the unusual step of writing to the Chief Scientist, Dr Alan Finkel, saying his support for gas as an energy...
25 Aug 2020
Melting of the Antarctic icesheet could “conservatively” cause half a metre of sea-level rise in the coming century, a significant increase on some previous...