Censored: Australian scientists say suppression of environment research is getting worse

An aerial view of an open-pit mine
21 September 2020

Environmental scientists in Australia say that they are under increasing pressure from their employers to downplay research findings or avoid communicating them at all. More than half of the respondents to an online survey thought that constraints on speaking publicly on issues such as threatened species, urban development, mining, logging and climate change had become worse in recent years1.

The findings, published this month in Conservation Letters, reflect how politicized debates about environmental policy in Australia have become, says Saul Cunningham, an environmental scientist at the Australian National University in Canberra. “We need our publicly funded institutions to be more vocal in defending the importance of an independent voice based on research,” he says.

Australian scientists aren’t the only ones who have reported interference in science or pressure — particularly from government employers — to downplay research findings. Scientists in the United StatesCanada and Brazil have also reported such intrusions in the past decade.

Read the full article on the Nature website, featuring commentary by Prof Saul Cunningham

Updated:  23 September 2020/Responsible Officer:  College of Science/Page Contact:  https://iceds.anu.edu.au/contact