New energy and disaster solutions leads announced at ANU Institute for Climate Energy & Disaster Solutions

Prof Frank Jotzo and Dr Roslyn Prinsley, ANU ICEDS
31 August 2021

The ANU Institute for Climate, Energy and Disaster Solutions (ICEDS) has announced two key appointments to its executive team to lead ICEDS’ work on energy and disaster mitigation and responses.

Professor Frank Jotzo and Dr Roslyn Prinsley have been appointed as the Head of Energy and Head of Disaster Solutions at ICEDS, respectively.

They will work alongside ICEDS Director and Head of Climate Change, Professor Mark Howden.

ICEDS aims to bring together expertise and research on climate change, energy and disaster preparedness and responses. In particular, the Institute focuses on how these fields interact, both within ANU and with external stakeholders, to advance solutions to these societal challenges.

Professor Jotzo and Dr Prinsley bring with them extensive experience and networks, which will enhance the Institute’s ability to address ANU strategic goals around climate change, disasters and the transformation of energy systems.

Both will take on the new part-time positions while also retaining their existing roles at ANU.

Professor Jotzo is also the Director of Centre of Climate and Energy Policy at Crawford, a senior author with the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, and is joint editor-in-chief of the journal Climate Policy.

Dr Prinsley, who is Head of Strategic Research Initiatives in the ANU Office of the Deputy Vice -Chancellor, Research and Innovation, has experience in developing and leading successful research partnerships. She has an entrepreneurial approach to building positive change, and recently developed the ANU-Optus Bushfire Research Centre of Excellence.

Professor Jotzo said this is a time of change and innovation in the energy sector.

“The shift to a decarbonised energy system provides huge economic and environmental opportunities, and it is a vital part of an effective climate change response,” he said.

“But there are also many roadblocks that must be navigated. It is an exciting time for energy research.”

Dr Prinsley will work with experts across ANU to better understand the nature of the disasters that humanity faces and to develop innovative solutions.

“Climate change exacerbates natural hazards and intensifies the risk of extreme weather disasters,” she said.

“Prediction, prevention and response to disasters is an immense research challenge.”

Partnering with governments, industry, communities and the non-governmental sector is vital to identifying and achieving successful solutions, Dr Prinsley said.

“ANU is already playing a significant role in responding to bushfires and COVID-19, and will play a key role in defining how new disaster solutions are realised,” she said.

Professor Howden said that the appointment of Professor Jotzo and Dr Prinsley means that the Institute is well-placed to achieve its ambitious goals.

“Their experience and expertise strengthen the University’s reputation as a leader in the areas of energy transition and disaster risk research, and our ability to advance solutions in and across these areas, and with climate, is even greater as a result of their appointments,” he said.


To view Professor Jotzo and Dr Prinsley's Researcher profiles, please click on below links:

Professor Frank Jotzo

Dr Roslyn Prinsley

Photos: Jamie Kidston/ANU Media, supplied

Updated:  19 November 2021/Responsible Officer:  College of Science/Page Contact: