Modelling that shows Labor’s climate policy could cost billions is ridiculous

6 May 2019

The national debate about climate policy is off the rails again.
We should be talking about positioning Australia economically for the low-carbon future, making use of our huge opportunities to produce low-cost clean energy, and mobilising investment. We should be having a serious conversation about what are the best policies needed for that. And we should understand the implications of Australia’s climate policy for our long-term competitiveness and international standing.
Instead it’s the carbon wars once more. A confected furore over the presumed cumulative economic cost dominates the headlines, provoked by a single short report with some scary-looking numbers. The paper by Brian Fisher is a private black-box modelling exercise of no particular standing that uses outdated assumptions.
Read the full Guardian article by Prof Frank Jotzo. 

Updated:  26 July 2019/Responsible Officer:  College of Science/Page Contact: