Matt Canavan suggested the cold snap means global warming isn’t real. We bust this and 2 other climate myths

A photograph of a snowman with sticks for arms, and tanbark for eyes and a mouth.
11 June 2021

Senator Matt Canavan sent many eyeballs rolling yesterday when he tweeted photos of snowy scenes in regional New South Wales with a sardonic two-word caption: “climate change”.

Canavan, a renowned opponent of climate action and proponent of the coal industry, appeared to be suggesting that the existence of an isolated cold snap means global warming isn’t real.

Prime Minister Scott Morrison has previously insisted there is “no dispute in this country about the issue of climate change, globally, and its effect on global weather patterns”. But Canavan’s tweet would suggest otherwise.

The reality is, as the climate warms, record-breaking cold weather is becoming less common. And one winter storm does not negate more than a century of human-caused global warming. Here, we take a closer look at the cold weather misconception and two other common climate change myths.

Read the full article on The Conversation website, co-authored by Prof Nerilie Abram

Updated:  15 June 2021/Responsible Officer:  College of Science/Page Contact: