IPCC climate change report - media coverage

Photo: Shutterstock
11 August 2021

A summary of media items relating to the IPCC report climate change report, The Physical Science Basis, which was released on Monday 9 August 2021.

Climate change has already hit Australia. Unless we act now, a hotter, drier and more dangerous future awaits, IPCC warns, The Conversation, Monday 9 August.

Planetary healthcheck delivers 'unprecedented', 'terrifying' picture, Stuff NZ, Monday 9 August.

This is the most sobering report card yet on climate change and Earth’s future. Here’s what you need to know, The Conversation, Monday 9 August.

Australia’s extreme climate leaves it vulnerable to global warming, AFR, Tuesday 10 August.

‘Australia playing its part’: Federal government urges global climate action, The Sydney Morning Herald, Tuesday 10 August.

Australia rejects climate targets despite damning UN report, AFP, Tuesday 10 August.

Australia rejects climate targets despite damning U.N. report, Japan Today, Tuesday 10 August.

Climate change report "code red" for humanity, ABC AM, Thursday 10 August.

Climate pressure on Australia heats up, The Canberra Times, Tuesday 10 August.

Greta Thunberg responds to IPCC report, saying global warming must be treated as 'crisis', ABC News, Tuesday 10 August

IPCC climate warning, ABC RN Drive, Tuesday 10 August.

IPCC report: Earth already feeling irreversible impacts of climate change, CNet, Tuesday 10 August. 

IPCC report issues blunt 2030 climate warning, PV Magazine, Tuesday 10 August.

IPCC warns the world is heading into "a bad place" without strong climate action, ABC RN, Tuesday 10 August.

'Really bad news.' When we'll hit climate target, Herald Sun, Tuesday 10 August. (paywall)

The Australia Institute and Hugh Saddler find Australia lagging OECD on climate change reduction, news.com.au, Tuesday 10 August.

The Earth's most sobering climate report card yet is in. Here’s what you need to know, SBS, Tuesday 10 August.

The IPCC has released the most comprehensive climate change report ever. Here's what you need to know, ABC News, Tuesday 10 August.

The world could hit 1.5C warming in a decade. That’s terrible news for the Pacific, The Guardian, Tuesday 10 August.

This is a critical moment for our survival. We need monumental action, The Canberra Times, Tuesday 10 August.

Not too late to act on urgent climate warning, experts say, The Mandarin, Tuesday 10 August.

Planet races towards climate tipping point, AFR, Monday 9 August.

‘We’re not about to back down’: how climate experts hold hope despite the IPCC report, The Guardian, Tuesday 10 August.

Why the IPCC report is the most sobering report card yet on climate change and Earth’s future, Energy Source Distribution, Tuesday 10 August.

With the release of a terrifying IPCC report, Australia must face its wilful political blindness on climate, The Conversation, Tuesday 10 August.

'Won't be signing blank cheque': Australia rejects emissions targets despite damning UN report, WION, Tuesday 10 August.

A wake-up call on climate change, The Signal (podcast), Wednesday 11 August.

Photo: Shutterstock.

Updated:  30 August 2021/Responsible Officer:  College of Science/Page Contact:  https://iceds.anu.edu.au/contact