COP26 We Got This | Podcast Series

A light blue background, with a white drawing of hands holding the globe, with bold letters spelling out 'COP26 - We Got This' on the side.
18 October 2021

We’re running out of time to take action on climate change. Ahead of one of the most important climate summits in a generation, the COP26: We Got This podcast helps prepares listeners for the ideas, issues and debates surrounding the 26th United Nations Conference on Climate Change (COP26).

Brought to you by The Australian National University Institute for Climate, Energy & Disaster Solutions and King’s College London, it covers what is happening with climate change, diplomacy, finance and adaptation – and ultimately, how nations across the globe can come together to solve these complex issues.

The series is hosted by Dr Megan Bowman, Director of the Climate Law and Governance Centre at King’s College London, and Dr Will Grant, Senior Lecturer at the Australian National Centre for the Public Awareness of Science, Australian National University (ANU).

Each episode speaks with different experts from both ANU and King’s to capture every angle of the summit and address how nations can come together to act on climate change.

Listen to all episodes here


Episode 1 | The climate science

In the first episode, we are joined by Dr Tamsin Edwards, of King’s College London, and by Professor Mark Howden, of ANU, to explore why this particular summit is important for addressing climate change, compared with previous climate meetings. Listen here.


Episode 2 | Geopolitics and the partisanship of climate change

In episode 2, we discuss what do the risks of global warming represent for geopolitical stability and how do non-environmental disputes get in the way of multilateral climate cooperation? And just why exactly are political stances on climate change so different around the world?

Our hosts, Dr Leslie-Anne Duvic-Paoli (King's College London) and Dr Will J Grant (Australian National University), speak with experts Dr Rebecca Colvin (Australian National University) and Professor Kerry Brown (King's College London) to explore geopolitics, diplomacy and climate action or inaction. Listen here.


Episode 3 | Non-state actors, Paris implementation and Indigenous approaches to climate

We need all hands on deck to address climate change. This means non-state actors, such as cities, corporations and local communities, will need to take decisive action to help us move towards a low-carbon and climate resilient world. In this episode, we look at the role of non-state actors, as well as Indigenous Knowledge and practices into effective climate adaptation strategies.

Our hosts, Dr Megan Bowman (King's College London) and Dr Will J Grant (Australian National University), speak with Dr Leslie-Anne Duvic-Paoli (King's College London) and Dr Rebecca Pearse (Australian National University) about how the Paris Agreement incorporates wider society, and Dr Emily Barritt (King's College London) about the role of climate litigation. They also speak with Dr Virginia Marshall (Australian National University) about Australian Indigenous approaches to land and water management, and climate adaptation. Listen here.


Episode 4 | The economics of climate action

What is the economic case for acting (or not acting) on climate change and what systemic changes need to happen to mobilising the trillions of finance needed to transition to net zero? In this episode, we delve into the economics of climate change and the role of finance in the COP26 negotiations.

Our hosts, Dr Megan Bowman (King's College London) and Dr Will J Grant (Australian National University), speak with Professor Frank Jotzo (Australian National University), Professor Howard Bamsey (Australian National University) and Dr Paul Fisher (King's College London) about economic impacts of climate change, what will the negotiations on finance at COP26 entail, and what is required to mainstream sustainable finance. Listen here.


Episode 5 | Beyond COP26 – what happened and where to from here?

What happened at COP26 and what are the implications? In the last episode of this special edition series, we explore the outcome of the 2021 global climate change summit with the experts that attended. We look at where we go to from here, including the role of academia in engaging with policymakers.

We are are joined by Dr Helen Adams (King's College London) who went in a official capacity as Head of Science Engagement for the UK COP Presidency, and Dr Stephen Minas (King's College London), who went as a negotiator, representing the Technology Executive Committee of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change.

We also hear from Dr Christian Downie (Australian National University) and Dr Virginia Marshall (Australian National University), who attended as the representative of the Indigenous People’s Organisation Australia (IPO) and UN Indigenous Delegate for the Pacific. Listen here.




Updated:  13 December 2021/Responsible Officer:  College of Science/Page Contact: