Climate forecasting tips tougher ag outlook

A screenshot of Dr Steven Crimp giving a presentation, with the slide 'Climate Change Challenges for Australian Agriculture' as the title.
6 November 2020

According to long-term climate forecasts, temperatures in Australia could rise by 4.5 degrees by 2090 and for every degree of warming, Western Australian rainfall may decline anywhere from four to seven per cent.

The frightening statistics were delivered at The University of Western Australia's Institute of Agriculture Industry Forum 2020 last week which delved into the topic of climate change and agriculture.

In the keynote address, Australian National University Climate Change Institute research fellow Steven Crimp explained that rising temperatures and declining rainfall will undoubtedly make agricultural production globally and in Australia far more challenging.

Read the full article on the Farm Weekly website, featuring commentary by Dr Steven Crimp

Updated:  9 November 2020/Responsible Officer:  College of Science/Page Contact: