Climate change takes on defining role in Aussie polls

15 April 2019

Parties struggle to set out coherent plans despite importance of issue to Australia
Jonathan Pearlman For The Straits Times In Sydney
Australian Prime Minister Scott Morrison appeared at the leader's courtyard in Parliament House last Thursday to announce an election next month and proceeded to list the various reasons that he believed Australians should vote for him.
He mentioned various policy areas, such as the economy, schools, hospitals and roads, but there was one issue he pointedly did not mention: climate change.
When asked about this omission later in the day, he told Sky News: "Well, it's a very brief presentation you make at the start of an election."
Read the full Straits Times article including commentary by Prof Frank Jotzo.  

Updated:  26 July 2019/Responsible Officer:  College of Science/Page Contact: