'Clean' hydrogen and carbon capture: Will the government's energy roadmap drive down emissions?

A close-up picture of Energy Minister Angus Taylor.
23 September 2020

The federal government’s technology roadmap has named five priority energy technologies it says will help drive down the nation’s emissions over the next decade.

The target list - which includes “clean” hydrogen, energy storage, low carbon steel and aluminium, carbon capture and soil carbon technologies - has divided policy analysts. 

Some are backing the technology-focused policy approach as a sensible means of developing emerging technologies, but others are sceptical over the viability of the technologies prioritised. 

So, is the government’s strategy a policy that can help drive down greenhouse gas emissions and can it be successful without the clear destination of a 2050 emissions reduction target?

Read the full article on the SBS website, featuring commentary by Prof Andrew Blakers

Updated:  23 September 2020/Responsible Officer:  College of Science/Page Contact:  https://iceds.anu.edu.au/contact