China accuses Australia of playing victim in coal conflict

An image of Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesman Wang Wenbin giving a speech at a podium, with a dark blue background and the Chinese flag hanging in the corner.
16 December 2020

China has defended its alleged ban on Australian coal and accused Australia of playing the victim in the increasingly tense trade standoff between Canberra and Beijing. 

There has been no formal notification of the ban,  but Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesperson Wang Wenbin did not deny its existence when speaking with reporters overnight.  

He said recent measures taken by Chinese authorities on “some imported” products from Australia were "responsible" acts and in line with China’s laws and international rules. 

“Recently we've seen many reports in which Australia dresses up as a victim, pointing an accusing finger at China, directly or by insinuation,” he said.  

“This move is meant to confound the public and we will never accept it.”

Read the full article on the SBS News website, featuring commentary by Prof John Blaxland

Updated:  17 December 2020/Responsible Officer:  College of Science/Page Contact: