Canberra’s season of sneezing comes to an end … for the time being

A volunteer dabs herbicide onto weeds in Namadgi National Park.
15 December 2020

Canberra’s record season of sneezing is coming to end, with one of our leading environmental scientists declaring the run of high pollen days is over … for now.

Canberra’s very own pollen counter Professor Simon Haberle, a researcher with the ANU’s School of Culture, History and Language, who also runs the pollen monitoring website Canberra Pollen and Canberra Pollen App, says the last week has seen low to moderate levels of grass pollen recorded.

This should signal the end of grass pollen season for 2020, he says.

“It looks like the main pollen season is done,” Professor Haberle told Region Media yesterday (14 December).

“All the indications are that the pollen count will remain low through to Christmas.”

This will come as a relief for at least one-in-three Canberrans who suffer from hayfever or asthma and have been triggered by high and extreme pollen levels since September.

Read the full article on the RiotACT website, featuring commentary by Prof Simon Harbele

Updated:  16 December 2020/Responsible Officer:  College of Science/Page Contact: