Biden says the US will rejoin the Paris climate agreement in 77 days. Then Australia will really feel the heat

A photograph of Joe Biden delivering a speech outdoors, with both hands gesturing in front of him, and green foliage in the background.
6 November 2020

When the US formally left the Paris climate agreement, Joe Biden tweeted that “in exactly 77 days, a Biden Administration will rejoin it”.

The US announced its intention to withdraw from the agreement back in 2017. But the agreement’s complex rules meant formal notification could only be sent to the United Nations last year, followed by a 12-month notice period — hence the long wait.

While diplomacy via Twitter looks here to stay, global climate politics is about to be upended — and the impacts will be felt at home in Australia if Biden delivers on his plans.

Read the full article on The Conversation website, authored by Dr Christian Downie

Updated:  9 November 2020/Responsible Officer:  College of Science/Page Contact: