Australia's light bulb moment: Policy Forum podcast

3 October 2018

The ANU Grand Challenges competition offers up to $10 million to research that tackles the world’s most important and intractable problems. This year’s winners are working on what might just be the grandest challenge of all – how to decarbonise the world’s energy supply to prevent a climate catastrophe.

On this week’s podcast, hosts Maya Bhandari and Bob Cotton hear from three members of the winning research team about their plan to help Australia deliver zero-carbon energy to the Asia-Pacific region.

Topics discussed include how underwater sea cables could link Australia and Southeast Asia, why East Asian demand for hydrogen energy could reduce the power of the coal lobby, and what a multi-billion dollar renewable export industry would mean for the Australian economy.

Listen to the podcast here. 

Policy Forum Pod is the podcast of Policy - Asia and the Pacific's platform for public policy debate, analysis and discussion.

Policy Forum is based at Crawford School of Public Policy at the Australian National University.

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